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ASPxHtmlEditor Events
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An HTML text editor control.
Name Description
AudioFileSaving Allows you to process an uploaded audio file before it is saved to the server.
AudioSelectorCustomThumbnail Occurs each time before a thumbnail or a folder’s icon is created in Audio Selector.
AudioSelectorFileUploading Fires before a file is uploaded to the Audio Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
AudioSelectorFolderCreating Fires on the server side before a folder is created within the Audio Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
AudioSelectorItemCopying Fires before an item is copied within the Audio Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
AudioSelectorItemDeleting Fires before an item is deleted within the Audio Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
AudioSelectorItemMoving Fires before an item is moved within the Audio Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
AudioSelectorItemRenaming Fires before an item is renamed within the Audio Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
CallbackError static Allows you to handle any server exception that might occur during server-side processing of a callback sent by a DevExpress web control. Inherited from ASPxWebControl.
ClientLayout Enables you to save and restore the previously saved layout of the ASPxHtmlEditor.
CustomDataCallback Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.PerformDataCallback method.
CustomJSProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client.
DataBinding Occurs when the server control binds to a data source. Inherited from Control.
Disposed Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. Inherited from Control.
DocumentSelectorCustomThumbnail Occurs each time before a thumbnail or a folder’s icon is created in Document Selector.
DocumentSelectorFileUploading Fires before a file is uploaded to the Document Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
DocumentSelectorFolderCreating Fires on the server side before a folder is created within the Document Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
DocumentSelectorItemCopying Fires before an item is copied within the Document Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
DocumentSelectorItemDeleting Fires before an item is deleted within the Document Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
DocumentSelectorItemMoving Fires before an item is moved within the Document Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
DocumentSelectorItemRenaming Fires before an item is renamed within the Document Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashFileSaving Allows you to process an uploaded flash file before it is saved to the server.
FlashSelectorCustomThumbnail Occurs each time before a thumbnail or a folder’s icon is created in Flash Selector.
FlashSelectorFileUploading Fires before a file is uploaded to the Flash Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashSelectorFolderCreating Fires on the server side before a folder is created within the Flash Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashSelectorItemCopying Fires before an item is copied within the Flash Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashSelectorItemDeleting Fires before an item is deleted within the Flash Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashSelectorItemMoving Fires before an item is moved within the Flash Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
FlashSelectorItemRenaming Fires before an item is renamed within the Flash Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
HtmlChanged Occurs after the content of the ASPxHtmlEditor has been changed.
HtmlCorrecting Occurs before the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s HTML markup is automatically corrected based upon the HTML validation parameters specified.
ImageFileSaving Allows you to process an uploaded image file before it is saved to the server
ImageSelectorCustomThumbnail Occurs each time before a thumbnail or a folder’s icon is created in Image Selector.
ImageSelectorFileUploading Fires before a file is uploaded to the Image Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
ImageSelectorFolderCreating Fires on the server side before a folder is created within the Image Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
ImageSelectorItemCopying Fires before an item is copied within the Image Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
ImageSelectorItemDeleting Fires before an item is deleted within the Image Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
ImageSelectorItemMoving Fires before an item is moved within the Image Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
ImageSelectorItemRenaming Fires before an item is renamed within the Image Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
Init Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle. Inherited from Control.
Load Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. Inherited from Control.
PastedImageSaving Allows you to process and save the pasted binary image to the server.
PreRender Occurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering. Inherited from Control.
RtfContentPastingProcessed Raised when the copied/cut RTF content is processed on the server.
SpellCheckerCustomDictionaryLoading Occurs when a custom spell check dictionary is being loaded into a session.
SpellCheckerWordAdded Occurs after a word is added to a custom dictionary.
Unload Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. Inherited from Control.
Validation Allows you to specify whether the ASPxHtmlEditor’s content is valid.
VideoFileSaving Allows you to process an uploaded video file before it is saved to the server.
VideoSelectorCustomThumbnail Occurs each time before a thumbnail or a folder’s icon is created in Video Selector.
VideoSelectorFileUploading Fires before a file is uploaded to the Video Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
VideoSelectorFolderCreating Fires on the server side before a folder is created within the Video Selector and allows you to cancel the action.
VideoSelectorItemCopying Fires before an item is copied within the Video Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
VideoSelectorItemDeleting Fires before an item is deleted within the Video Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
VideoSelectorItemMoving Fires before an item is moved within the Video Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
VideoSelectorItemRenaming Fires before an item is renamed within the Video Selector, and allows you to cancel the action.
See Also