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Export Modes

The ASPxGridView control can export data in DataAwareand WYSIWYG modes.

You can specify the export mode at design time (the ExcelExportMode property) or send the ExportType parameter to an export method at runtime.

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grid" runat="server" DataSourceID="CategoriesDataSource" KeyFieldName="CategoryID">
    <SettingsExport ExcelExportMode="WYSIWYG" />

DataAware Mode

Supported formats: XLS and XLSX.

This mode maintains the following data shaping settings in the exported document:

  • Data grouping.
  • Data sorting and filtering.
  • Totals and group summaries.
  • Format conditions.
  • Data validation for combo-box columns.
  • Fixed columns.

Run Demo: Grid - Excel Data Aware Export

API to Customize the Exported Grid Elements

Unsupported Features

Unsupported API


Supported formats: PDF, RTF, CSV, XLS, XLSX, and DOCX.

API to Customize the Exported Grid Elements

Unsupported Features

Unsupported API