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Image Zoom

  • 2 minutes to read

The DevExpress ASP.NET Image Zoom (ASPxImageZoom) control allows users to zoom in to an image, to view it in high resolution. The Image Zoom Navigator (ASPxImageZoomNavigator) displays thumbnails that users can navigate through, and open a corresponding image.

Image Zoom Navigator

#Image Zoom

The ASPxImageZoom control combines two image zoom effects. A user can hover over an image to zoom in on an area, or click an image to display it as a full-screen popup.

The ASPxImageZoom control includes the following features.

  • Zoom on hover.
  • Enlarge an image in a full-screen popup window on click.
  • Change a Zoom Window’s position and size.
  • Zoom inside an image.
  • Specify captions for Zoom and Expand windows.
  • Hint support.

#Image Zoom Navigator

The ASP.NET Image Zoom Navigator (ASPxImageZoomNavigator) is a data control that displays thumbnails. When a user clicks a thumbnail, it opens a corresponding image within an associated Image Zoom. ASPxImageZoomNavigator allows you to bind to data, load images from a specified folder, and manually create image items. The control can create image thumbnails automatically, or you can create them beforehand to increase control performance.

The ASPxImageZoomNavigator control includes the following features.

    • Populate a control with items in different ways:
  • bind to a datasource or folder;
  • add ASPxImageZoomNavigator.Items to the collection manually.
  • Arrange ImageZoomNavigator items within the control one after another, either vertically or horizontally.
  • Click or hover over images to navigate through them.
  • Use keyboard keys for paging.