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Image Caching

#Image Zoom

When the ASPxImageZoom control displays binary images (specified by the ASPxImageZoom.ImageContentBytes and ASPxImageZoom.LargeImageContentBytes properties), the control caches the source images and saves the cached images to the folder specified by the ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ImageCacheFolder property.

You can use the members listed below to specify sizes of cached images.

Element Image Height Image Width
Preview Image ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ImageHeight ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ImageWidth
Zoom Window ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.LargeImageHeight ImageZoomAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.LargeImageWidth

The ASPxImageZoom.BinaryImageUrl and ASPxImageZoom.BinaryLargeImageUrl properties allow you to access the cached image URLs.

#Image Zoom Navigator

When you specify the ASPxImageSliderBase.ImageSourceFolder property, the ASPxImageZoomNavigator control caches the source images and saves the cached images to the folder specified by the AutoGeneratedImagesSettingsBase.ImageCacheFolder property.

For every source image, the ASPxImageZoomNavigator control creates three cached images to be displayed in the preview image, zoom window, and thumbnail elements. You can use the members listed below to specify sizes of cached images.

Element Image Height Image Width
Preview Image ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ImageHeight ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ImageWidth
Zoom Window ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.LargeImageHeight ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.LargeImageWidth
Thumbnail ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ThumbnailHeight ImageZoomNavigatorAutoGeneratedImagesSettings.ThumbnailWidth

You can use the ASPxImageSliderBase.UpdateImageCacheFolder method to update the content of a cache folder.


#Online Demo

Image Zoom - Binding to Binary Data