AddMemberAccessPermission(Type, String, String, String)
Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance.
AddMemberAccessPermission(Type, String, String)
Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance.
AddMemberAccessPermission<T>(String, String, String)
Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance.
AddMemberAccessPermission<T>(String, String)
Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance.
AddObjectAccessPermission(Type, String, String)
Adds the specified object access permissions to the Role instance.
AddObjectAccessPermission<T>(String, String)
Adds the specified object access permissions to the Role instance.
Equals(Object, Object)
Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Returns a TypePermissionObject object specifying type permissions for the given type, or null, if there is no such object in the Role.TypePermissions list.
Returns a TypePermissionObject object specifying type permissions for the given type, or null, if there is no such object in the Role.TypePermissions list.
Serves as the default hash function.
Gets the Type of the current instance.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object)
Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.
SetAssociationMemberPermissions(TypePermissionObject, SecuritySystemMemberPermissionsObject, String)
Sets the member permissions for associations.
SetAssociationTypePermissions(TypePermissionObject, String)
Sets type permissions for associations.
SetTypePermissions(Type, String, SecuritySystemModifier)
Sets type permissions for the specified business object type.
SetTypePermissions<T>(String, SecuritySystemModifier)
Sets the permissions for the business object.
SetTypePermissionsRecursively(Type, String, SecuritySystemModifier)
Sets the permissions for the target type and all its persistent descendants.
SetTypePermissionsRecursively<T>(String, SecuritySystemModifier)
Sets the permissions for the target type and all its persistent descendants.
Returns a string that represents the current object.