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.NET 8.0+

IVariantsProvider Interface

Implemented by objects that provide a list of view variants available for the specific View, and stores the variant selected by the user.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule.v24.2.dll


public interface IVariantsProvider


The default implementation of the IVariantsProvider interface used by the View Variants Module is ModelVariantsProvider, that stores view variants in the Application Model. You can create a custom IVariantsProvider implementation and pass it to the ViewVariantsModule.VariantsProvider property.

The following snippet illustrates how to implement an IVariantsProvider that stores View Variants in the database.

public class DatabaseViewVariantsProvider : IVariantsProvider {
    XafApplication application;
    public DatabaseViewVariantsProvider(XafApplication application) {
        Guard.ArgumentNotNull(application, nameof(application));
        this.application = application;
    public VariantsInfo GetVariants(string rootVariantViewId) {
        VariantsInfo result = null;
        if(application.Security.IsAuthenticated) {
            using(IObjectSpace os = application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(ViewVariantsObject))) {
                ViewVariantsObject variants = os.FirstOrDefault<ViewVariantsObject>(obj => obj.RootViewId == rootVariantViewId);
                if(variants != null && (variants.Items.Count >= 2)) {
                    List<VariantInfo> items = new List<VariantInfo>();
                    foreach(ViewVariantObject variant in variants.Items) {
                        items.Add(new VariantInfo(variant.ID.ToString(), variant.ViewId, variant.Caption));
                    string currentVariantId;
                    if(variants.CurrentVariant != null) {
                        currentVariantId = variants.CurrentVariant.ID.ToString();
                    else {
                        currentVariantId = variants.Items[0].ID.ToString();
                    result = new VariantsInfo(variants.RootViewId, currentVariantId, items);
        return result;
    public void SaveCurrentVariantId(string rootViewId, string currentVariantId) {
        using(IObjectSpace os = application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(ViewVariantsObject))) {
            ViewVariantObject variant = os.GetObjectByKey<ViewVariantObject>(Guid.Parse(currentVariantId));
            if((variant == null) || (variant.Owner == null)) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            variant.Owner.CurrentVariant = variant;

The following code illustrates persistent objects used by DatabaseViewVariantsProvider to store View Variants:

[Index(nameof(RootViewId), IsUnique = true)]
public class ViewVariantsObject : BaseObject {
    public virtual string RootViewId { get; set; }
    public virtual ViewVariantObject CurrentVariant { get; set; }
    public virtual IList<ViewVariantObject> Items { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<ViewVariantObject>();

public class ViewVariantObject : BaseObject {
    public virtual ViewVariantsObject Owner { get; set; }
    public virtual string ViewId { get; set; }
    public virtual string Caption { get; set; }

// Make sure that you use options.UseChangeTrackingProxies() in your DbContext settings.
See Also