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.NET 8.0+

SchedulerListEditorBase Members

An abstract class that serves as the base class for the Scheduling List Editors from the Scheduler module.


Name Description
SchedulerListEditorBase(IModelListView) The constructor which provides basic functionality for the classes derived from the SchedulerListEditorBase class.


Name Description
SchedulerViewTypeAttribute Holds the SchedulerViewType property’s name of the Application Model‘s Views | <ListView> node.


Name Description
AllowEdit Indicates whether the data bound to the current List Editor can be edited via the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
AppointmentsCustomFieldMappings Provides access to the collection of objects specifying mappings of the appointments’ custom properties to appropriate data fields.
AppointmentsMappings Provides access to an object that allows the persistent properties of the appointments maintained by the current storage to be bound to appropriate fields in the data source.
ContextMenuTemplate Provides access to a List Editor‘s Context Menu Template. Inherited from ListEditor.
Control Provides access to the control that is used by the current List Editor to represent a List View in a UI. Inherited from ListEditor.
DataSource Specifies a List Editor‘s data source. Inherited from ListEditor.
DateNavigator Provides access to the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s Date Navigator.
ErrorMessages Provides access to the current ListEditor‘s error message collection, populated when Validation Rules are broken. Inherited from ListEditor.
EventAssigner Intended for internal use.
FocusedObject Gets or sets the focused object in the SchedulerListEditorBase.
IsChangedOccurrenceFocused Indicates whether a recurring Event’s occurrence, which was changed and now does not satisfy the recurrency pattern, is focused in the Scheduler.
IsDisposed Indicates whether a List Editor has been disposed of. Inherited from ListEditor.
IsOccurrenceFocused Indicates whether a non-recurring Event is focused in the Scheduler.
IsPatternFocused Indicates whether an Event which serves as the pattern for other recurring Events is focused in the Scheduler.
IsSchedulerControlLoaded Indicates whether the Scheduler control has been loaded.
List This property is intended for internal use. Inherited from ListEditor.
Model Provides access to the Application Model node that defines the List View represented by the current List Editors. Inherited from ListEditor.
Name Specifies a List Editor‘s name. Inherited from ListEditor.
OptionsCustomization Provides access to the scheduler’s customization options.
ProtectedContentText Specifies the text that is used by a List Editor to display a property which is prohibited for viewing by the current user. Inherited from ListEditor.
RequiredProperties Returns an array of descriptors for the properties considered bindable by the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s Collection Source.
ResourcesMappings Provides access to an object that allows the persistent properties of the resources maintained by the current storage to be bound to appropriate fields in the data source.
SchedulerDeleteHelper Intended for internal use.
SelectedAppointments Provides access to the collection of selected appointments.
SelectedInterval Specifies the time interval currently selected in the scheduler’s active view by an end-user.
SelectionType Returns the selection type supported by the SchedulerListEditorBase.
ServiceProvider Inherited from ListEditor.
SourceObjectHelper Intended for internal use.
Start Specifies the start date of the scheduler.
UseAsyncLoading Specifies whether an XPO-based WinForms application loads a List View’s data asynchronously. Inherited from ListEditor.


Name Description
ApplyModel() Updates the current List Editor’s state in accordance with the information stored in the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor.
BeginUpdate() Prevents the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s control from being updated until the SchedulerListEditorBase.EndUpdate method is called.
BreakLinksToControls() Removes references to the ListEditor‘s control and its event handlers. Inherited from ListEditor.
CreateControls() Creates the current List Editor‘s control that represents a List View in a UI. Inherited from ListEditor.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by a ListEditor object. Inherited from ListEditor.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s control after a call to the SchedulerListEditorBase.BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate update.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetAppointment(IEvent, IObjectSpace)
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIndexByObject(Object) Returns the index of an object that represents the Scheduler‘s Event.
GetObjectByIndex(Int32) Returns an object that represents the Scheduler‘s Event with the specified index.
GetOrderedObjects() Returns an ordered list of objects that represent the Scheduler‘s Events.
GetResourceType() Returns the type of the Resource objects used by the Scheduler.
GetSelectedObjects() Returns a collection of objects that are currently selected in the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s control.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Refresh() Refreshes the bound data source of a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
SaveModel() Writes information on a List Editor‘s control to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor.
Setup(CollectionSourceBase, XafApplication) Performs additional initialization of the SchedulerListEditorBase.
StartIncrementalSearch(String) Starts an incremental search for the specified string. Inherited from ListEditor.
SupportsDataAccessMode(CollectionSourceDataAccessMode) Determines whether or not the given data access mode is supported by the ListEditor. Inherited from ListEditor.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
AllowEditChanged Occurs after the ListEditor‘s ListEditor.AllowEdit property has changed. Inherited from ListEditor.
ControlsCreated Occurs after a ListEditor‘s control is created. Inherited from ListEditor.
CreateDeleteHelper Intended for internal use.
DataSourceChanged Occurs after the ListEditor.DataSource property’s value has been changed. Inherited from ListEditor.
ExceptionEventCreated Occurs when an exceptional Event occurrence is created.
FilterDataSource Intended for internal use.
FocusedObjectChanged Occurs after the focused object has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
FocusedObjectChanging Occurs before the focused object is changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
ModelApplied Occurs after the customizations from the Application Model have been applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
ModelApplying Occurs when customizations from the Application Model are applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
ModelSaved Occurs after the List Editor’s control customizations have been saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor.
ModelSaving Occurs when the List Editor’s control customizations are saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor.
NewAction Intended for internal use.
NewObjectAdding Occurs before a new object is created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor.
NewObjectCanceled Occurs after creation of a new object is cancelled in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor.
NewObjectCreated Occurs after a new object has been created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor.
ObjectChanged For internal use only. Inherited from ListEditor.
ProcessSelectedItem Occurs after an object is selected in the List Editor‘s control and an end-user presses Enter or double-clicks the object. Inherited from ListEditor.
RequiredPropertiesChanged Inherited from ListEditor.
ResourceDataSourceCreated Occurs after the resources data source has been instantiated by the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s descendant.
ResourceDataSourceCreating Occurs before the resources data source has been instantiated by the SchedulerListEditorBase‘s descendant.
SelectionChanged Occurs after the selection has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor.
SelectionTypeChanged Occurs after a List Editor‘s supported selection type is changed. Inherited from ListEditor.
ValidateObject Occurs when the object represented by the ListEditor‘s focused row must be validated. Inherited from ListEditor.
See Also