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BlazorApplication Class

Manages an XAF Blazor UI application.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor


public class BlazorApplication :


The BlazorApplication class is the platform-specific descendant of the XafApplication class. In a Blazor UI application project, this class is inherited (see the MySolution.Blazor.Server/BlazorApplication.cs file).

The descendant is instantiated in the AddXaf fabric (see MySoution.Blazor.Server/Startup.cs file).

Since the BlazorApplication object can be useful at many points in your code, it must be easily accessed. The following properties, cast to the BlazorApplication type, provide access to the current Blazor application:

See Also