ObjectCaptionFormatAttribute Class
Specifies a caption format for the target business class’ objects.
Namespace: DevExpress.Persistent.Base
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp
Currently, business object captions are only used for captions of the corresponding detail forms. By default, a caption format is specified by the Application Model‘s BOModel | <Class> node’s IModelClass.ObjectCaptionFormat. This property’s value is formed from the BOModel | <Class> node’s IModelClass.FriendlyKeyProperty and/or IModelClass.DefaultProperty properties.
You can set a custom caption format directly in the Application Model via the Model Editor. In addition, you can do it in code. For this purpose, apply the ObjectCaptionFormat attribute to the required business class. Specify the caption format as the attribute’s ObjectCaptionFormatAttribute.FormatString parameter. This format will be set for the ObjectCaptionFormat property of the Application Model‘s BOModel | <Class> node, where it can be changed. The format specifyed in the Application Model will be used in the UI.
By default, the caption format set for a business class via the Object