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TdxNavBarDefaultStyles Methods

Lists the default types of control elements to which individual styles can be assigned.
Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Updates the persistent information from the specified source. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Prevents the NavBar control from being repainted until the EndUpdate method is called.
DoAssign(TPersistent) protected Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
EndUpdate Applies all pending changes after a BeginUpdate procedure call.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner protected Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also