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TdxMapControlGeoRect Fields

A geographical rectangle on a map.
Name Description
Bottom Specifies the bottom coordinate of the rectangle’s bottom-right corner point.
BottomRight Specifies the rectangle’s bottom-right corner point.
EastLongitude Specifies the longitude of the coordinate that corresponds to the rectangle’s bottom-right corner point.
Left Specifies the left coordinate of the rectangle’s top-left corner point.
NorthLatitude Specifies the latitude of the coordinate that corresponds to the rectangle’s top-left corner point.
Right Specifies the right coordinate of the rectangle’s bottom-right corner point.
SouthLatitude Specifies the latitude of the coordinate that corresponds to the rectangle’s bottom-right corner point.
Top Specifies the top coordinate of the rectangle’s top-left corner point.
TopLeft Specifies the rectangle’s top-left corner point.
WestLongitude Specifies the longitude of the coordinate that corresponds to the rectangle’s top-left corner point.
See Also