Page Setup Dialog
- 2 minutes to read
The Page Setup dialog allows end-users to adjust the print settings related to the printed page layout and the content positioning.
The dialog has the following tabs:
The Page Setup dialog has the Print Preview and Print optional buttons that allow you to save all the changes made and preview and/or print the page.
You can invoke the dialog at runtime by calling a report link’s PageSetup or PageSetupEx functions, respectively.
#Page tab
This tab provides the functionality for setting the printed page’s options.
The Page tab contains four sections:
Paper — Here you can select a paper size from the predefined list populated by the report link or set custom paper dimensions. Additionally you can choose a required paper source from the “Paper Source” combo box.
Orientation — You can use the Orientation radio buttons to set the paper orientation explicitly to the Portrait or Landscape mode. The report link determines the paper orientation if the “Auto” radio button is selected.
Print Order — Allows you to set the page numbering order. The printed content is split into the several pages if it does not fit into a single page’s margins.
Shading — Includes the “Print using gray shading” checkbox that you can use to toggle the color and grayscale fill mode.
#Margins tab
You can use this tab to adjust the page printed area’s boundaries for the current paper dimensions.
#Header/Footer tab
This tab has four sections that include all printed page header and footer settings.
Header/Footer —The header and footer are special areas on a printed page that you can mark with a color/texture and custom text. To input text, use three fields that correspond to a left, central and right portion of the header/footer area.
Vertical Alignment — These buttons allow you to position text in the top/central/bottom part of the header and/or footer area.
Predefined Functions — Click any of these buttons to add information related to a document to the selected section of the header/footer.
#Scaling tab
Contains the printed content scaling settings. You can use this tab to scale the printed page content to fit it within the margins and set the number of pages to display it if its size exceeds the printing area dimensions.