Main Menu
- 3 minutes to read
The main menu contains the following menus:
The set of available menu commands depends on the operating system.
#TestCafe Studio
The TestCafe Studio menu is available on MacOS and includes the following commands:
- About - Displays TestCafe Studio’s version and copyright information.
- Services - Allows you to work with other applications from TestCafe Studio.
- Hide - Hides the TestCafe Studio window.
- Hide All - Hides all the applications that are running except for TestCafe Studio.
- Preferences (available on MacOS) - Opens the Preferences dialog.
- Quit - Closes TestCafe Studio.
The File menu contains the following commands:
- New Fixture - Opens the Fixture Properties Dialog that allows you to create a new fixture.
- New Test Script - Opens the New Test Script dialog that allows you to create a test script.
- New File - Opens the New File dialog that allows you to create a new file in the current working directory.
- Open Test Directory - Opens a test directory.
- Close Test Directory - Closes an opened test directory.
- Recent - Contains a submenu that lists recently opened test directories.
- Settings (available on Windows) - Opens the Settings dialog.
- Exit (available on Windows) - Closes TestCafe Studio.
The Edit menu contains the following commands:
- Undo - Undoes the last operation.
- Redo - Reverts a canceled operation.
- Cut - Cuts the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.
- Copy - Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
- Paste - Pastes text from the clipboard to the cursor’s current position in a text editor.
- Select All - Selects all text in an editor.
- Start Dictation (available on MacOS) - Enables a dictation keyword phrase.
- Emoji & Symbols (available on MacOS) - Allows you to insert emojis and symbols to an editor.
The View menu contains the following commands:
- Enter/Exit Full Screen - Resizes TestCafe Studio’s window to fit the screen.
- Show/Hide Explorer - Displays or hides the Explorer panel.
- Show/Hide Reports - Displays or hides the Reports panel.
- Show Previous Tab (available on Windows) - Activates a tab to the left of an active tab.
- Show Next Tab (available on Windows) - Activates a tab to the right of an active tab.
The Window menu is available on MacOS and includes the following commands:
- Minimize - Minimizes TestCafe Studio’s window.
- Show Previous Tab - Activates a tab to the left of a currently active tab.
- Show Next Tab - Activates a tab to the right of a currently active tab.
The Help menu contains the following commands:
- Welcome Page - Displays the Welcome page.
- Documentation - Navigates to the documentation.
- What’s New - Opens the What’s New Tab that shows the version history.
- Contact Support - Opens the Support Center and displays tickets related to TestCafe Studio.
- Follow us on Twitter - Opens the TestCafe Studio page on Twitter.
- About (available on Windows) - Displays TestCafe Studio’s version and copyright information.
- Search (available on MacOS) - Allows you to search for the main menu commands.