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Code Editor

  • 2 minutes to read

Use the built-in Code Editor to write and modify test scripts. The editor opens when you create a new test script, or open a test script from the Explorer panel.

Code Editor

You can write test scripts in JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript. Refer to the Test API documentation for information about test syntax.

The Code Editor includes modern code editing capabilities, such as:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code completion
  • Parameter hints
  • Code bracket matching
  • Object definition hints

The editor displays two icons next to fixture and test declarations.

  • The Run button Run Test Button launches tests.
  • The Record button Record Test Script launches the script recorder.

#Playback / Recording Markers

#Recording Destination Marker

When the Action Recording tab is active, the code editor displays a Recording Destination Marker. The marker indicates the location where TestCafe inserts new action code.

Drag the marker to move it up or down.

Recording Destination Marker in the Code Editor

#Playback Location Marker

TestCafe Studio highlights the current line of code during test playback.

Playback widget

#Paste Destination Marker

When the Selector Inspector tab is active, the code editor highlights a line of code in blue. When you press the paste button, TestCafe places the Selector of your choice on that line next to the caret.

Selector Playground Paste Destination Marker

#Pause Location Marker

When you pause test recording, the code editor displays the “Test Recording Paused” message where the Recording Destination Marker would normally be.

#Error Indication

When TestCafe Studio encounters an error during test playback, it displays the error message under the corresponding line of code.

Error widget