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Welcome Page

  • 2 minutes to read

TestCafe Studio displays the Welcome page when you open the application. Clear the Show this page on startup checkbox to disable this behavior. To open the Welcome page manually, go to the Help menu and select Welcome Page.

Welcome page

#Start Recording a Test

Select the format of the future test from the drop-down menu. Enter the website’s URL and click Start recording a test Start recording a test.

  1. TestCafe Studio creates a file with an empty test in the open directory (the Examples directory is open by default).
  2. TestCafe Studio launches a browser and opens the specified URL.
  3. TestCafe Studio starts recording your page activity. As you perform page actions, TestCafe Studio adds these actions to the test. Open the editor to view the test or the script.

Click Stop recording Stop Recording or close the browser to stop recording.

#Open Test Directories

The Welcome page’s Start section contains the following shortcuts:

#Open Recent Test Directories

The page’s Recent section lists test directories that you recently opened. Click a directory name to open the directory in TestCafe Studio, and view its content in the Explorer panel.

The page contains links to documentation and video tutorials.