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PagePainter Methods

Base class to implement custom drawing for layout elements.
Name Description
DrawChangedLineMarkBox(ChangedLineMarkBox) Draws the ChangedLineMarkBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawCheckBox(CheckBox) Draws the CheckBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawColumn(LayoutColumn) Draws the LayoutColumn element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawColumnBreakBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawComment(LayoutComment) Draws the LayoutComment element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawCommentHighlightAreaBox(CommentHighlightAreaBox) Draws the CommentHighlightAreaBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawCommentsArea(LayoutCommentsArea) Draws the LayoutCommentArea element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawDeletedTextMarkBox(DeletedTextMarkBox) Draws the DeletedTextMarkBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawDrawingObject(LayoutShapeBox) Draws the LayoutShapeBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawEndnote(LayoutEndnote) Draws the LayoutEndnote element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawEndnoteContinuationNotice(LayoutEndnoteContinuationNotice) Draws the LayoutEndnoteContinuationNotice element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawEndnoteContinuationSeparator(LayoutEndnoteContinuationSeparator) Draws the LayoutEndnoteContinuationSeparator element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawEndnoteReferenceBox(EndnoteReferenceBox) Draws the EndnoteReferenceBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawEndnoteSeparator(LayoutEndnoteSeparator) Draws the LayoutEndnoteSeparator element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFieldHighlightAreaBox(FieldHighlightAreaBox) Draws the FieldHighlightAreaBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFloatingObjectAnchorBox(FloatingObjectAnchorBox) Draws the FloatingObjectAnchorBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFloatingPicture(LayoutFloatingPicture) Draws the LayoutFloatingPicture element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFloatingTable(LayoutFloatingTable) Draws the LayoutFloatingTable element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFooter(LayoutFooter) Draws the LayoutFooter element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFootnote(LayoutFootnote) Draws the LayoutFootnote element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFootnoteContinuationNotice(LayoutFootnoteContinuationNotice) Draws the LayoutFootnoteContinuationNotice element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFootnoteContinuationSeparator(LayoutFootnoteContinuationSeparator) Draws the LayoutFootnoteContinuationSeparator element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFootnoteReferenceBox(FootnoteReferenceBox) Draws the FootnoteReferenceBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFootnoteSeparator(LayoutFootnoteSeparator) Draws the LayoutFootnoteSeparator element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawFrame(LayoutFrame) Draws the LayoutFrame element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawHeader(LayoutHeader) Draws the LayoutHeader element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawHighlightAreaBox(HighlightAreaBox) Draws the HighlightAreaBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawHyphenBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.HyphenBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawInlineDrawingObject(InlineDrawingObjectBox) Draws the InlineDrawingObjectBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawInlinePictureBox(InlinePictureBox) Draws the InlinePictureBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawLineBreakBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.LineBreakBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawLineNumberBox(LineNumberBox) Draws the LineNumberBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawNonBreakingHyphenBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the NonBreakingHyphenBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawNoteContinuationSeparatorBox(NoteContinuationSeparatorBox) Draws the NoteContinuationSeparatorBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawNoteSeparatorBox(NoteSeparatorBox) Draws the NoteSeparatorBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawNumberingListMarkBox(NumberingListMarkBox) Draws the NumberingListMarkBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawNumberingListWithSeparatorBox(NumberingListWithSeparatorBox) Draws the NumberingListWithSeparatorBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawPage(LayoutPage) Draws the LayoutPage element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawPageArea(LayoutPageArea) Draws the LayoutPageArea element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawPageBorders(LayoutPageBorders) Draws the LayoutPageBorders element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element’s appearance.
DrawPageBreakBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.PageBreakBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawPageNumberBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.PageNumberBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawParagraphFrame(ParagraphFrameBox) Draws the ParagraphFrameBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawParagraphMarkBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.ParagraphMarkBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawPlainTextBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawRangePermissionHighlightAreaBox(RangePermissionHighlightAreaBox) Draws the RangePermissionHighlightAreaBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawRow(LayoutRow) Draws the LayoutRow element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawSectionBreakBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.SectionBreakBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawSoftHyphenBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the SoftHyphenBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawSpaceBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.SpaceBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawSpecialTextBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.SpecialTextBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawStrikeoutBox(StrikeoutBox) Draws the StrikeoutBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTable(LayoutTable) Draws the LayoutTable element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTableCell(LayoutTableCell) Draws the LayoutTableCell element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTableHeader(LayoutTableHeader) Draws the LayoutTableHeader element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTableRow(LayoutTableRow) Draws the LayoutTableRow element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTabSpaceBox(PlainTextBox) Draws the PlainTextBox element of the LayoutType.TabSpaceBox type. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawTextBox(LayoutTextBox) Draws the LayoutTextBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawUnderlineBox(UnderlineBox) Draws the UnderlineBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
DrawZeroWidthSpaceBox(ZeroWidthSpaceBox) Draws the ZeroWidthSpaceBox element. Override it in a class descendant to customize the element appearance.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also