LayoutColumn.Type Property
Gets the type of layout element.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Layout
Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.1.Core.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Property Value
Type | Description |
LayoutType | The LayoutType.Column enumeration member. |
Available values:
Name | Description |
Page | The type of layout element of the LayoutPage class. |
PageArea | The type of layout element of the LayoutPageArea class. |
Column | The type of layout element of the LayoutColumn class. |
Comment | The type of layout element of the LayoutComment class. |
Header | The type of layout element of the LayoutHeader class. |
Footer | The type of layout element of the LayoutFooter class. |
TextBox | The type of layout element of the LayoutTextBox class. |
FloatingPicture | The type of layout element of the LayoutFloatingPicture class. |
Table | The type of layout element of the LayoutTable class. |
TableRow | The type of layout element of the LayoutTableRow class. |
TableCell | The type of layout element of the LayoutTableCell class. |
Row | The type of layout element of the LayoutRow class. |
PlainTextBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the text run. |
SpecialTextBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the visual symbols used for special purposes, such as curly braces indicating the Field Codes. |
InlinePictureBox | The type of layout element of the InlinePictureBox class. |
FloatingObjectAnchorBox | The FloatingObjectAnchorBox element. |
SpaceBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the space. |
ParagraphMarkBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the paragraph formatting mark. |
SectionBreakBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the section break formatting mark. |
LineBreakBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the line break formatting mark. |
PageBreakBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the page break formatting mark. |
ColumnBreakBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the column break formatting mark. |
HyphenBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the hyphen. |
TabSpaceBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the tab space. |
NumberingListMarkBox | The type of layout element of the NumberingListMarkBox class. |
NumberingListWithSeparatorBox | The type of layout element of the NumberingListWithSeparatorBox class. |
UnderlineBox | The type of layout element of the UnderlineBox class. |
StrikeoutBox | The type of layout element of the StrikeoutBox class. |
HighlightAreaBox | The type of layout element of the HighlightAreaBox class. |
FieldHighlightAreaBox | The type of layout element of the FieldHighlightAreaBox class. |
RangePermissionHighlightAreaBox | The type of layout element of the RangePermissionHighlightAreaBox class. |
BookmarkStartBox | The type of layout element of the BookmarkBox class. |
BookmarkEndBox | The type of layout element of the BookmarkBox class. |
RangePermissionStartBox | The type of layout element of the RangePermissionBox class. |
RangePermissionEndBox | The type of layout element of the RangePermissionBox class. |
CommentHighlightAreaBox | The type of layout element of the CommentHighlightAreaBox class. |
CommentStartBox | The type of layout element of the CommentBox class. |
CommentEndBox | The type of layout element of the CommentBox class. |
HiddenTextUnderlineBox | The type of layout element of the HiddenTextUnderlineBox class. |
LineNumberBox | The type of layout element of the LineNumberBox class. |
PageNumberBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to the page number. |
CharacterBox | The type of layout element of the PlainTextBox class related to a single character. |
Frame | The type of layout element of the LayoutFrame class. |
ParagraphFrameBox | The type of layout element of the ParagraphFrameBox class related to the text paragraph frame. |
DrawingObject | The type of layout element of the InlineDrawingObjectBox class. |
CheckBox | The type of layout element of the CheckBox class. |
CommentsArea | The type of layout element of the |
SoftHyphenBox | The type of layout element of the |
ChangedLineMarkBox | The type of layout element of the ChangedLineMarkBox class. |
DeletedTextMarkBox | Layout element that relates to the markup indicating the deleted text (# or ^ symbol) when the Track Changes feature is enabled. |
NonBreakingHyphenBox | The type of layout element of the NonBreakingHyphenBox class. |
Footnote | The LayoutFootnote element. |
NoteSeparatorBox | An element of the NoteSeparatorBox class type. |
NoteContinuationSeparatorBox | An element of the NoteContinuationSeparatorBox class type. |
ZeroWidthSpaceBox | The type of layout element of the ZeroWidthSpaceBox class. |
FloatingTable | The type of layout element of the LayoutFloatingTable class. |
Endnote | The Endnote element. |
FootnoteSeparator | The LayoutFootnoteSeparator element. |
FootnoteContinuationSeparator | The LayoutFootnoteContinuationSeparator element. |
FootnoteContinuationNotice | The LayoutFootnoteContinuationNotice element. |
EndnoteSeparator | The LayoutEndnoteSeparator element. |
EndnoteContinuationSeparator | The EndnoteContinuationSeparator element. |
EndnoteContinuationNotice | The EndnoteContinuationNotice element. |
FootnoteReferenceBox | The FootnoteReferenceBox element. |
EndnoteReferenceBox | The EndnoteReferenceBox element. |
TableHeader | The layout element of the LayoutTableHeader class. |
ContentControlStartBox |
ContentControlEndBox | The |