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CellValueToColumnTypeConverter.Convert(Cell, CellValue, Type, out Object) Method

Converts a worksheet cell value to a value that will be written in the DataTable.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Export

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


public virtual ConversionResult Convert(
    Cell cell,
    CellValue value,
    Type destinationType,
    out object result


Name Type Description
cell Cell

A Cell object that is the worksheet cell whose value is converted.

value CellValue

A CellValue object that is the value to be converted.

destinationType Type

A Type object that indicates the column data type to which a cell value is converted.

result Object

An object that is the result of conversion - a value that will be written in a DataTable.


Type Description

A ConversionResult enumeration member that indicates whether the conversion is successful.


Supported destination data types (DataTable column data types) are listed below.

If the conversion is successful, the Convert method returns the ConversionResult.Success value.


If an attempt to convert a value failed, the Convert method returns the ConversionResult.Error. Then, the DataTableExporter.CellValueConversionError event is raised. If the CellValueConversionError event is not handled, an exception is thrown.

View Example

using DevExpress.Spreadsheet;
using DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Export;
        private void barButtonItemUseCustomConverter_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
            CellRange range = worksheet.Tables[0].Range;

            // Create a data table with column names obtained from the first row in a range.
            // Column data types are obtained from cell value types of cells in the first data row of the worksheet range.
            DataTable dataTable = worksheet.CreateDataTable(range, true);
            // Change the data type of the "As Of" column to text.
            dataTable.Columns["As Of"].DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            // Create the exporter that obtains data from the specified range and populates the specified data table. 
            DataTableExporter exporter = worksheet.CreateDataTableExporter(range, dataTable, true);
            // Handle value conversion errors.
            exporter.CellValueConversionError += exporter_CellValueConversionError;

            // Specify a custom converter for the "As Of" column.
            DateTimeToStringConverter toDateStringConverter = new DateTimeToStringConverter();
            exporter.Options.CustomConverters.Add("As Of", toDateStringConverter);
            // Set the export value for empty cell.
            toDateStringConverter.EmptyCellValue = "N/A";
            // Specify that empty cells and cells with errors should be processed.
            exporter.Options.ConvertEmptyCells = true;
            exporter.Options.DefaultCellValueToColumnTypeConverter.SkipErrorValues = false;

            // Perform the export.

            // A custom method that displays the resulting data table.

        // A custom converter that converts DateTime values to "Month-Year" text strings.
        class DateTimeToStringConverter : ICellValueToColumnTypeConverter
            public bool SkipErrorValues { get; set; }
            public CellValue EmptyCellValue { get; set; }

            public ConversionResult Convert(Cell readOnlyCell, CellValue cellValue, Type dataColumnType, out object result)
                result = DBNull.Value; 
                ConversionResult converted = ConversionResult.Success;
                if (cellValue.IsEmpty) {
                    result = EmptyCellValue;
                    return converted;
                if (cellValue.IsError) {
                    // You can return an error, subsequently the exporter throws an exception if the CellValueConversionError event is unhandled.
                    //return SkipErrorValues ? ConversionResult.Success : ConversionResult.Error;
                    result = "N/A";
                    return ConversionResult.Success;
                result =  String.Format("{0:MMMM-yyyy}",cellValue.DateTimeValue);
                return converted;
        void exporter_CellValueConversionError(object sender, CellValueConversionErrorEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Error in cell " + e.Cell.GetReferenceA1());
            e.DataTableValue = null;
            e.Action = DataTableExporterAction.Continue;
See Also