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Coloring in the Web Dashboard

  • 8 minutes to read

The Web Dashboard control allows you to manage dashboard item elements’ colors, such as chart series points or pie segments.

#Coloring Basics

The following concepts are common to both Desktop and Web Dashboard controls:

  • Color Modes
  • Color Schemes
  • Supported Dashboard Items

Refer to the following help topic for more information about common concepts: Coloring Basics.

#Color Measures and Dimensions

You can configure color modes as follows:

A specific data item

To specify the color mode for a specific measure/dimension, open the data item menu and go to the Data Shaping section. Use the Coloring option to specify the color mode of this data item.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Data item coloring options

All data items

To see a list of all measures/dimensions for which you can specify color mode in a dashboard item, open the dashboard item’s Options menu and go to the Coloring section.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Dashboard item options

For example, the image below shows the Chart dashboard item whose Country dimension is colored by different hues:


And the following Pie dashboard item colors measures by different hues:



If you enable color variation by different hues for several dimensions/measures, all combinations of dimension values/measures are colored with different colors from the default palette.

#Dashboard Item Color Mode Specifics

The following table describes how colors are applied based on the dashboard item’s type.

Item’s Name Coloring Specifics
Chart The Chart colors different measures and series dimensions by hue.
Scatter Chart The Scatter Chart does not color its arguments.
Pies If the Pie dashboard item contains measures (the Values section) and series dimensions (the Series section), only values that correspond to different measures are colored by hue.
If the Pie dashboard item contains arguments (the Arguments section), different argument values are colored by hue.
Choropleth Map The Choropleth Map automatically selects palette and scale settings to color map shapes.
Bubble Map The Bubble Map automatically selects palette and scale settings used to color bubbles depending on the provided values.
Pie Map The Pie Map allows you to color segments that correspond to various dimension values/measures.
Range Filter The Range Filter colors different measures and series dimensions by hue.
Treemap If the Treemap contains only measures (the Values section), values that correspond to different measures are colored by different hues.
If the Treemap contains arguments (the Arguments section), values that correspond to the first argument are colored by different hues.

To change the default coloring behavior, you can configure color modes.

#Conditional Formatting

The DevExpress Dashboard allows you to format dashboard item elements whose values meet a specified condition. This feature highlights specific elements with a predefined set of rules.

Refer to the following article for more information about conditional formatting: Conditional Formatting.

#Switch between Global and Local Color Schemes

The dashboard supports two ways to color dashboard item elements:

  • A Global Color Scheme uses consistent colors for identical values across the dashboard.
  • A Local Color Scheme uses an independent set of colors for each dashboard item.

For more information about color schemes, refer to the following topic: Coloring Basics.

To switch between global and local color schemes in the Web Dashboard, open the dashboard item’s Option menu, go to the Color Scheme section, and select the Color Scheme type.

Switch between Global and Local Color Schemes


The local color scheme paints dashboard item elements more quickly because the control does not request all possible colors and requests only colors used in the current item.

#Change Colors in the UI

#Customize Color Palettes in the Dashboard Item Menu

Use the Color Scheme section of the dashboard item Options menu to customize colors of the specific palette. To edit the color scheme, click the Edit button wdd-icon-edit-collection-value-item of the corresponding color.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Change a dashboard item's color scheme

Then, pick any color in the RGB color model of the invoked color picker and click Confirm to change the color.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Color picker

A new color scheme is applied to the dashboard item(s).

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Change local color scheme

#Customize Color Palettes in the Color Scheme Page

The Color Scheme page of the dashboard menu allows you to edit and add colors to customize color tables.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Color scheme page

#Edit Colors

You can reassign a color in the selected color table. For this, select one of the available schemes in the Color Schemes pane and click the color in the Colors pane to invoke the Color combo box.

If you click the Color dropdown button, it invokes a color picker where you can specify a new color.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Invoke color picker

Click OK to change the automatically assigned color for the selected value and update the current color scheme.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Changed color

#Add Colors

The Color Scheme page allows you to add a new value with the specified color to the selected color scheme. To do this, use the Add color button.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Adding color

Specify the dimension value of the added color or select the measures. This creates a new value whose color can be specified as described in the Edit colors section.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Newly added color

Hover over the custom color and click Remove (the wdd-icon-delete-big icon) to remove the color.

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Delete color

#Change Colors in Code

#Customize the Dashboard Palette on the Server

DevExpress Dashboard uses a set of 20 unique colors from the default palette. On the server, you can use the following events to create your own palette with custom colors:

Use the static read-only DashboardPalette.Default field to get the default palette.

The following example illustrates how to substitute the default palette with a custom palette for a specified dashboard. Create and initialize the DashboardPalette class instance and assign the resulting object to the e.Palette event parameter:

View Example: ASP.NET Core

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardWeb;
using System.Drawing;

void Default_CustomPalette(object sender, CustomPaletteWebEventArgs e) {
    if (e.DashboardId == "SalesByCategory") {

        // Create a new custom palette.
        List<Color> customColors = new List<Color>();

        // Assign a newly created custom palette to the Web Dashboard.
        e.Palette = new DashboardPalette(customColors);

The image below displays the resulting palette:

Coloring for Web Dashboard - Custom Palette

#Customize Colors on the Client

The DashboardControl allows you to color chart series points, pie segments, scatter chart points, and other dashboard item elements on the client. For this, handle the ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemElementCustomColor event. This approach can be used to color elements based on their values and is suitable for more complex scenarios you can implement with conditional formatting.

The ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs class exposes the following members that allow you to color the element:

Gets the instance of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.
Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.
Gets the color of the current dashboard item element.
Gets the axis point tuple that corresponds to the current dashboard item element.
Gets the color of the current dashboard item element.
Sets the color of the current dashboard item element.

The ViewerApiExtension.getItemData method returns the client data for the specified dashboard item. To create the tuple, call the ItemData.createTuple method. To obtain dashboard item measures, call the ItemData.getMeasures method.

Note that the Chart dashboard item uses the color of the first series point to color lines (or fills areas) for the Line/Area series types. For these lines/areas, the e.getTargetElement method returns a tuple that does not contain the ItemDataAxisPoint on the DashboardDataAxisNames.ChartArgumentAxis.


For more information about multidimensional data, see the following topic: Obtain Underlying and Displayed Data in Dashboard Control for JavaScript Applications.

The following example shows how to color the dashboard item’s elements on the client. To do this, handle the ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemElementCustomColor event, get the item’s multidimensional data, and apply the color to the dashboard item’s element based on the condition.

The image below displays the dashboard items whose values are colored based on their values:

For 2014, values that exceed 30k are colored green, values below 17k are red, and values that fall into the range between 170k and 30k are gray.
Values below 80k are colored yellow.

View Example: ASP.NET Core View Example: ASP.NET Web Forms


function onBeforeRender(sender) {
    window['control'] = sender;

    var viewerApiExtension = control.findExtension('viewerApi');

    if (viewerApiExtension)
        viewerApiExtension.on('itemElementCustomColor', setColors);

function setColors(args) {

    var argumentAxis = 'Argument',
        seriesAxis = 'Series';

    var viewerApiExtension = control.findExtension('viewerApi');

    var chartClientData = viewerApiExtension.getItemData("chartDashboardItem1"),
        pieClientData = viewerApiExtension.getItemData("pieDashboardItem1");
    var currentElement = args.getTargetElement();

    if (args.itemName === "chartDashboardItem1") {
        var year = currentElement.getAxisPoint(seriesAxis).getValue();
        var value = chartClientData.getSlice(currentElement.getAxisPoint(argumentAxis)).
        // For 2015, values that exceed 80k are colored in green, values below 40k are colored in red, 
        // and values that fall into the range between 40k and 80k are colored in gray.
        if (year == 2014) {
            if (value > 30000) {
            else if (value < 17000) {
            else if (value >= 17000 && value <= 30000) {

    if (args.itemName === "pieDashboardItem1") {
        var value = pieClientData.getSlice(currentElement.getAxisPoint(argumentAxis)).
        if (value < 80000)