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Minimize Button

The Minimize Button allows end-users to minimize the ribbon. Change the ribbon’s minimization state raises the ASPxClientRibbon.MinimizationStateChanged event.


When the ribbon is minimized, it displays a tab header only.


When an end-user clicks the tab, the minimize popup window appears, displaying the tab content.


The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Image RibbonImages.MinimizeButton (via RibbonSettings.Images.MinimizeButton)
Minimize Popup Style RibbonStyles.MinimizePopup (via RibbonSettings.Styles.MinimizePopup)
Style RibbonStyles.MinimizeButton (via RibbonSettings.Styles.MinimizeButton)
Visibility RibbonSettings.AllowMinimize, RibbonSettings.ShowTabs