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ASPxClientScheduler Members

Represents the client-side equivalent of the ASPxScheduler control.

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Name Description
name Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.

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Name Description
AdjustControl Modifies the control’s size against the control’s container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AdjustControls static Modifies the controls size within the specified container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AppointmentFormCancel Client-side scripting method that cancels changes and closes the appointment editing form.
AppointmentFormDelete Client-side scripting method that deletes the appointment being edited.
AppointmentFormSave Client-side scripting method that saves appointment modifications and closes the form.
Cast(obj) static Converts the specified object to the ASPxClientScheduler type.
ChangeFormContainer(container) Returns focus to the form if the ASPxScheduler control is not visible when the reminder fires.
ChangePopupMenuContainer(container) Changes the container that the ASPxScheduler pop-up menu belongs to.
ChangeTimeZoneId(timeZoneId) Client-side method which raises the callback command to change the SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase.ClientTimeZoneId of the scheduler.
ChangeToolTipContainer(container) Changes the container that the ASPxScheduler tooltip belongs to.
DeleteAppointment(apt) Client-side scripting method to delete the specified appointment.
DeselectAppointmentById(aptId) Client-side function that removes the appointment specified by its client ID from a collection of selected appointments.
GetActiveViewType Client-side scripting method that gets the active View.
GetAllDayAreaHeight Gets the All-Day Area area height.
GetAppointmentById(id) Client-side function that returns an appointment with the specified ID.
GetAppointmentProperties(aptId, propertyNames, onCallBack) Enables obtaining appointment property values in a client-side script. Executes the callback command with the SchedulerCallbackCommandId.AppointmentData identifier.
GetClientVisible Obsolete. Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetControlCollection static Returns a collection of client web control objects. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetFloatingActionButton Returns the floating action button’s object.
GetGroupType Client-side function that returns the type of grouping applied to the appointments displayed in the scheduler.
GetHeight Returns the control’s height. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetMainElement Returns an HTML element that is the root of the control’s hierarchy. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetParentControl Returns a client instance of the control that is the parent for a specified control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetResourceNavigatorVisible Returns a value specifying whether the Resource Navigator is displayed.
GetScrollAreaHeight Returns the value specifying the Scheduler’s scrollable area height.
GetSelectedAppointmentIds Client-side function that returns the id’s of selected appointments.
GetSelectedInterval Client-side function that returns the time interval, selected in the scheduler.
GetSelectedResource Client-side function that returns the ResourceId of selected time cell’s resource.
GetToolbarVisible Returns a value specifying whether a toolbar is displayed.
GetTopRowTime Gets the time of the day corresponding to the start of the topmost displayed time cell row.
GetVisible Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetVisibleAppointments Gets a collection of visible appointments.
GetVisibleIntervals Returns a collection of time intervals displayed by the ASPxScheduler.
GetWidth Returns the control’s width. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GotoDate(date) Client-side scripting method which raises the SchedulerCallbackCommandId.GotoDate callback command.
GoToDateFormApply Client-side scripting method that navigates the scheduler to the date selected in the GotoDate form and closes the form.
GoToDateFormCancel Client-side scripting method that cancels changes and closes the GotoDate form.
GotoToday Client-side method that navigates the scheduler to the current system date.
HideLoadingPanel Client-side scripting method which hides the Loading Panel from view.
InCallback Returns a value that determines whether a callback request sent by a web control is being currently processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
InplaceEditFormCancel Client-side scripting method that cancels changes and closes the form.
InplaceEditFormSave Client-side scripting method that cancels changes and closes the form.
InplaceEditFormShowMore Client-side scripting method that invokes the appointment editing form for the appointment being edited in the inplace editor.
InsertAppointment(apt) Client-side scripting method to insert the specified appointment.
NavigateBackward Client-side function which slides the visible interval one time span back.
NavigateForward Client-side function which slides the visible interval one time span forward.
PerformCallback(parameter) Sends a callback to the server and generates the server-side ASPxSchedulerDataWebControlBase.CustomCallback event, passing it the specified argument
Refresh Client-side scripting method which initiates a round trip to the server, so that the control will be reloaded using the specified refresh action.
RefreshClientAppointmentProperties(clientAppointment, propertyNames, onCallBack) Initiates a callback to retrieve and apply the values for the specified list of properties to the specified appointment, and transfer control to the specified function.
ReminderFormCancel Client-side scripting method that closes the Reminder form.
ReminderFormDismiss Client-side scripting method that calls the ReminderBase.Dismiss method for the selected reminder.
ReminderFormDismissAll Client-side scripting method that dismisses all reminders shown in the Reminder form.
ReminderFormSnooze Client-side scripting method that changes the alert time for the selected reminder to the specified interval.
SelectAppointmentById(aptId) Selects the appointment with the specified ID.
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetActiveViewType(value) Client-side scripting method to change the ASPxScheduler’s active View.
SetAllDayAreaHeight(height) Specifies the All-Day Area area height.
SetClientVisible(visible) Obsolete. Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetGroupType(value) Client-side scripting method which raises the callback command to set the ASPxScheduler.GroupType.
SetHeight(height) Sets the Scheduler’s height.
SetResourceNavigatorVisible(visible) Specifies whether the Resource Navigator is visible.
SetSelection(interval) Selects time cells which encompass the specified time interval on the client side.
SetToolbarVisible(visible) Specifies whether the toolbar is visible.
SetTopRowTime(duration) Sets the time of the day corresponding to the start of the topmost displayed time cell row.
SetVisible(visible) Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetVisibleResources(resourceIds) Sets whether the resources with specified IDs are visible.
SetWidth(width) Specifies the control’s width in pixels. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
ShowAppointmentFormByClientId(aptClientId) Client-side function that invokes the editing form for the appointment specified by its client ID.
ShowAppointmentFormByServerId(aptServerId) Client-side function that invokes the editing form for the appointment specified by its storage identifier.
ShowInplaceEditor(start, end) Client-side method that invokes the inplace editor form to create a new appointment.
ShowLoadingPanel Client-side scripting method which displays the Loading Panel.
ShowSelectionToolTip(x, y) Displays a Selection ToolTip on a position given by the specified coordinates.
UpdateAppointment(apt) Client-side scripting method to update the specified appointment.

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Name Description
ActiveViewChanged Client-side event. Occurs after the active view of the ASPxScheduler has been changed.
ActiveViewChanging Occurs on the client side when the Scheduler control is about to change its active view.
AppointmentClick Occurs when the end-user clicks an appointment.
AppointmentDeleting Client-side event that fires before an appointment is deleted.
AppointmentDoubleClick Occurs when the end-user double clicks on an appointment.
AppointmentDrag A client-side event that occurs when an appointment is being dragged.
AppointmentDrop Client-side event that occurs after an appointment has been dragged and dropped.
AppointmentResize Client-side event that occurs when an appointment is resized.
AppointmentResizing A client-side event that occurs when an appointment is being resized.
AppointmentsSelectionChanged Occurs on the client side when the user selects an appointment.
AppointmentToolTipShowing Fires on the client side before the appointment tooltip is shown.
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientScheduler.
CellClick Occurs when an end-user clicks a time cell.
CellDoubleClick Occurs when and end-user double-clicks a time cell.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
MenuItemClicked Client-side event that occurs when a popup menu item is clicked.
MoreButtonClicked Occurs when one of More Buttons is clicked.
SelectionChanged Fires on the client side when the time cell selection is changed.
SelectionChanging Occurs on the client side when the time cell selection is about to change.
Shortcut Occurs when an end-user presses a keyboard shortcut.
VisibleIntervalChanged Fires on the client side when the time interval of the scheduling area is changed.
See Also