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ASPxClientScheduler.GetSelectedAppointmentIds Method

Client-side function that returns the id’s of selected appointments.


GetSelectedAppointmentIds(): string[]


Type Description

A string array which holds the appointment identifiers.


The following code example illustrates how to change a custom menu item’s text based on the appointment’s fields.

protected void ASPxScheduler1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    // Adds an additional item into the "Appointment" menu to switch the current appointment's "Completed" state.
    // The scheduler updates the currently selected appointment on a separate callback request which is invoked in the MenuItemClicked event handler.
    if(e.Menu.MenuId == DevExpress.XtraScheduler.SchedulerMenuItemId.AppointmentMenu) {
        e.Menu.ClientSideEvents.PopUp = "OnClientPopupMenuShowing";
        DevExpress.Web.MenuItem newItem = new DevExpress.Web.MenuItem();
        newItem.Name = "ChangeCompletedStatus";
        newItem.Text = "Mark as Completed";
See Also