RichEditFileManagerStyles Members
Contains settings that defined the appearance of elements used within the RichEdit’s built-in FileManager.Properties
Name | Description |
Breadcrumbs | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the breadcrumbs element. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
BreadcrumbsItem | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a breadcrumbs item. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
ContextMenuItem | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the context menu items. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Control | Gets the style settings that relate to styles declared at the control level of the embedded ASPxFileManager. |
CssFilePath | Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the appearance of the FileManager embedded into built-in dialogs. |
CssPostfix | Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the FileManager embedded into built-in dialogs. |
EnableDefaultAppearance | Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase. |
File | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of files. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
FileAreaFolder | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of folders displayed in the file area. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
FileContainer | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the file container. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
FilterBox | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a filter box. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Folder | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of folders. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
FolderContainer | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the folder container. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Highlight | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a highlighted text. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Item | Gets the style settings that define the common appearance of files and folders. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
LoadingDiv | Gets the style settings, defining the appearance of a rectangle, displayed above the ASPxFileManager while waiting for a callback response. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
LoadingPanel | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the loading panel. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
PathBox | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the path box. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Theme | Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase. |
Toolbar | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the ASPxFileManager’s toolbar. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
ToolbarItem | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of toolbar items. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
UploadPanel | Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the upload panel. Inherited from FileManagerStyles. |
Name | Description |
Assign(PropertiesBase) | Copies the settings from the specified PropertiesBase object to the current object. Inherited from StylesBase. |
CopyFrom(StylesBase) | Duplicates the properties of the specified object into the current instance of the StylesBase class. Inherited from StylesBase. |
CreateStyleCopyByName<T>(String) | Creates and returns a copy of a style object with the specified name. Inherited from StylesBase. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
IsDefaultAppearanceEnabled() | Specifies whether the control’s default appearance is enabled. For internal use only, Inherited from StylesBase. |
IsNative() | Returns a value indicating whether the control is rendered as a native HTML control. Inherited from StylesBase. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Reset() | Returns the StylesBase object to its original state. Inherited from StylesBase. |
ToString() | Returns the string that represents the current object. Inherited from StylesBase. |
See Also