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ASPxGantt.TasksDataMember Property

Gets or sets the data source member which supplies tasks data to the gantt.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxGantt.v24.2.dll


public virtual string TasksDataMember { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
String String.Empty

The tasks data source member.


The TasksDataMember property is useful when you bind tasks to the data source that contains several lists or tables.


The following example illustrates how to connect the Gantt control to the specified data tables or lists in the data sources programmatically.

protected void Page_Init() {

    ASPxGantt gantt = new ASPxGantt();
    gantt.ID = "ASPxGantt1";

    gantt.TasksDataSource = "TasksDataSet";
    gantt.DependenciesDataSource = "DependenciesDataSet";
    gantt.ResourcesDataSource = "ResourcesDataSet";
    gantt.ResourceAssignmentsDataSource = "ResourceAssignmentsDataSet";

    gantt.TasksDataMember = "Tasks";
    gantt.DependenciesDataMember = "Dependencies";
    gantt.ResourcesDataMember = "Resources";
    gantt.ResourceAssignmentsDataMember = "ResourceAssignments";

See Also