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.NET 8.0+

WinExportController.CustomShowSaveFileDialog Event

Occurs when the ExportController.ExportAction is executed, before data is exported to a stream.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.SystemModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v24.2.dll


public event EventHandler<CustomShowSaveFileDialogEventArgs> CustomShowSaveFileDialog

Event Data

The CustomShowSaveFileDialog event's data class is CustomShowSaveFileDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Dialog Provides access to the Save File Dialog before it’s shown.
DialogResult Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of the CustomShowSaveFileDialogEventArgs.Dialog box.
Handled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the event handler has completely handled the event or whether the system should continue its own processing. Inherited from HandledEventArgs.


Before the data presented by the ExportController.Exportable editor is exported, the CustomShowSaveFileDialog event is raised. Handle it if you need to show the Save File Dialog in a custom way. For this purpose, use the handler’s CustomShowSaveFileDialogEventArgs.Dialog parameter to access the dialog box to be shown. In addition, use the CustomShowSaveFileDialogEventArgs.DialogResult parameter to set the return value of the dialog box, and set the handler’s Handled parameter to true to cancel showing the dialog box in the default way.

See Also