NotificationsController.CustomProcessNotifications Event
Occurs before XAF invokes a notification window.
Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications
public event EventHandler<NotificationItemsEventArgs> CustomProcessNotifications
#Event Data
The CustomProcessNotifications event's data class is NotificationItemsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
Handled |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the event handler has completely handled the event or whether the system should continue its own processing.
Inherited from Handled |
Notification |
Gets the list of INotification |
Handle the CustomProcessNotifications
event to apply custom processing to the notification list received from the Notifications Service. To suppress the default logic, set the Handled
property to true
and call the NotificationsController.RefreshNotifications method to display the notification list after XAF runs your custom logic.
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base.General;
namespace MySolution.Module.Controllers;
public class MyController : WindowController {
protected override void OnActivated() {
var controller = Frame.GetController<NotificationsController>();
controller?.CustomProcessNotifications += Controller_CustomProcessNotifications;
private void Controller_CustomProcessNotifications(object sender, DevExpress.Persistent.Base.General.NotificationItemsEventArgs e) {
foreach(INotificationItem item in e.NotificationItems) {
e.Handled = true;