Register Custom Report Parameter Types
- 2 minutes to read
You can register custom report parameter types in the Web End-User Report Designer using the client-side ASPxClientReportDesigner.AddParameterType method. This method accepts the following parameters:
- An object that provides information about a parameter type to be added.
- An object that provides information about an editor used to specify parameter values in design mode.
If you need to add a new parameter type based on an existing type, call the ASPxClientReportDesigner.GetParameterInfo method with the existing type passed as a parameter, and override an obtained object’s required settings. Similarly, you can call the ASPxClientReportDesigner.GetParameterEditor method to get a standard parameter editor for the specified type.
The ASPxClientReportDesigner.RemoveParameterType method allows you to delete the available parameter types from the End-User Report Designer.
<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
function init(s) {
// Specify settings of a parameter type to be registered.
var parameterInfo = {
value: "System.Custom",
displayValue: "Custom Integer",
defaultValue: 0,
specifics: "integer",
valueConverter: function (val) {
return parseInt(val);
// Obtain a standard parameter editor for the specified type.
var parameterEditor = s.GetParameterEditor("System.Int64")
// Register a custom parameter type.
s.AddParameterType(parameterInfo, parameterEditor);
// Remove an existing parameter type.
<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="designer">
<ClientSideEvents Init="init"/>
The added parameter types are available for all reports opened in the Web Report Designer.
See Provide Custom Editors for Report Parameters to learn how to implement custom parameter editors.