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GridControl Properties

The grid control.
Name Description
ActualFilterString Returns the string that specifies a filter currently used in the grid.
AllowDeleteRows Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to delete data rows. This is a bindable property.
AllowEditRows Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to change cell values in the grid. This is a bindable property.
AllowGroup Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to group data in the grid. This is a bindable property.
AllowGroupCollapse Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to collapse and expand group rows. This is a bindable property.
AllowHorizontalScrollingVirtualization Gets or sets a value indicating whether virtualization is enabled for horizontal scrolling.
AllowResizeColumns Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to change column widths. This is a bindable property.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to sort data in the grid. This is a bindable property.
AutoFilterPanelHeight Gets or sets the auto-filter panel height. This is a bindable property.
AutoFilterPanelVisibility Gets or sets whether the auto-filter panel is displayed in the grid. This is a bindable property.
AutoGenerateColumnsMode Gets or sets how columns should be automatically created for fields of the underlying data source, depending on whether the grid contains any columns.
ColumnHeadersHeight Gets or sets the height of column headers in the grid. This is a bindable property.
ColumnHeadersVisibility Gets or sets whether column headers are shown in the grid. This is a bindable property.
Columns Provides access to the grid’s collection of columns.
ColumnsAutoWidth Gets or sets whether column widths are automatically changed, so that the total column width matches the grid’s width. This is a bindable property.
EditFormContent Gets or sets the template used to define the visual presentation of the grid’s row edit form.
FilterExpression Gets or sets the grid filter expression.
FilterPanelHeight Gets or sets the filter panel height. This is a bindable property.
FilterPanelVisibility Gets or sets when the filter panel is shown at the bottom of the grid. This is a bindable property.
FilterString Gets or sets the grid filter expression string. This is a bindable property.
FormatConditions Contains format conditions applied to the grid.
GroupsInitiallyExpanded Gets or sets whether groups should appear expanded or collapsed immediately after a grouping is applied in the grid.
GroupSummaries Provides access to group summary items.
HighlightMenuTargetElements Specifies whether the grid should highlight a row and column for which an end-user invokes a context menu. This is a bindable property.
HorizontalScrollOffset Gets or sets a horizontal scrolling offset.
IsColumnChooserEnabled Gets or sets whether the column chooser is available to end-users. This is a bindable property.

Gets or sets whether a context menu is shown when an end-user touches and holds a column header. This is a bindable property.

IsGrouped Gets whether the grid’s data is grouped.

Gets or sets whether a context menu is shown when an end-user touches and holds a group row. This is a bindable property.

IsLoadedInVisualTree For internal use.
IsLoadMoreEnabled Gets or sets whether the load-more functionality is enabled in the grid. This is a bindable property.
IsPullToRefreshEnabled Gets or sets whether the pull-to-refresh functionality is enabled in the grid. This is a bindable property.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether the grid is read-only. This is a bindable property.

Gets or sets whether a context menu is shown when an end-user touches and holds a data row cell. This is a bindable property.


Gets or sets whether a context menu is shown when an end-user touches and holds a total summary panel. This is a bindable property.

ItemsSource Gets or sets the grid’s data source. This is a bindable property.
LeftSwipeButtons Provides access to objects containing information on buttons shown on the left side of a data row when an end-user swipes left to right over a data row.
LoadMoreCommand Gets or sets the command executed when an end-user scrolls to the bottom of the grid to load new data items. This is a bindable property.
NewItemRowVisibility Gets or sets whether the New Item Row is shown in the grid to allow end-users to enter new data records. This is a bindable property.
OptionsExportCsv Gets or sets how grid data is exported to CSV format.
OptionsExportXls Gets or sets how grid data is exported to XLS format.
OptionsExportXlsx Gets or sets how grid data is exported to XLSX format.
PullToRefreshCommand Gets or sets the command executed when an end-user pulls the grid down to refresh data. This is a bindable property.
RightSwipeButtons Provides access to objects containing information on buttons shown on the right side of a data row when an end-user swipes right to left over a data row.
RowCount Gets the number of data rows in the grid.
RowEditMode Specifies whether the grid invokes an in-place editor or edit form when an end-user starts to edit a data cell or add a new row.
RowHeight Gets or sets the height of rows in the grid. This is a bindable property.
RowTapCommand Gets or sets the command executed when an end-user taps a row within the grid. This is a bindable property.
SelectedDataObject Returns an object that specifies a data source record to which a data row currently selected in the grid corresponds. This is a bindable property.
SelectedRowHandle Gets or sets the selected row handle. This is a bindable property.
SortMode Specifies whether the grid allows data sorting by multiple columns or by a single column only. This is a bindable property.
SwipeButtonCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a swipe button is tapped. This is a bindable property.
TotalSummaries Provides access to a collection of total summary items.
TotalSummaryHeight Gets or sets the total summary panel height. This is a bindable property.
TotalSummaryVisibility Gets or sets whether the total summary panel is displayed. This is a bindable property.
VisibleColumns Gets the collection of visible columns.
See Also