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GridControl Methods

The grid control.
Name Description
ClearFilter() Clears the filter applied to data in the grid.
ClearGrouping() Ungroups data in the grid.
ClearSorting() Clears the sorting applied to the grid.
CloseEditor(Boolean) Closes a data row editor (an in-place editor or edit form, depending on the edit mode set in the grid).
CollapseAllGroups() Collapses all group rows.
CollapseGroupRow(Int32) Collapses the specified group row.
DeleteRow(Int32) Deletes the specified data row.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the GridControl.
ExpandAllGroups() Expands all group rows.
ExpandGroupRow(Int32) Expands the specified group row.
ExportToExcel(Stream, ExportTarget) Exports data from the grid to the specified stream in the XLS, XLSX or CSV format.
FindRow(Predicate<IRowData>) Returns the handle of the first row that matches the specified criteria.
FindRowByValue(GridColumn, Object) Searches for the value in the column and returns the handle of the corresponding row.
FindRowByValue(String, Object) Searches for the value in the column and returns the handle of the corresponding row.
GetCellDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn) Returns the text displayed within the specified cell.
GetCellDisplayText(Int32, String) Returns the text displayed within the specified cell.
GetCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) Returns the value of the specified data cell in the grid.
GetCellValue(Int32, String) Returns the value of the specified data cell.
GetGroupInfo(Int32) Provides access to information on the specified data group.
GetGroupRowValue(Int32) Returns the value of the specified group row.
GetRow(Int32) Gets an object that provides access to the data of a row specified by its handle.
GetRowHandle(Int32) Returns the handle of the row which corresponds to the specified record in the data source.
GetService(Type) Gets the service object of the specified type.
GetService<T>() Gets the specified service.
GetSourceRowIndex(Int32) Returns the index of the data source record to which the specified row handle corresponds.
GroupBy(GridColumn) Groups data in the grid by the specified column.
GroupBy(String) Groups data in the grid by the specified column.
HideColumnChooser() Hides the column chooser.
HideColumnChooser(Boolean) Hides the column chooser, applying or discarding its current settings.
IsGroupCollapsed(Int32) Indicates whether the specified group row is collapsed.
IsGroupRow(Int32) Indicates whether the specified handle corresponds to a group row.
LoadInVisualTree() For internal use.
OpenEditor(CellIndex) Invokes an editor (an in-place editor or edit form, depending on the edit mode set in the grid) for a data row containing the specified cell.
Redraw(Boolean) Forces the control to immediately redraw itself.
RefreshData() Updates the grid data.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) Restores a grid’s layout from the specified stream.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) Restores a grid’s layout from the specified XML string.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) Saves a grid’s layout to the specified stream.
SaveLayoutToXml() Saves a gird’s layout to an XML string.
ScrollToRow(Int32) Scrolls the grid to make the specified row visible.
SetCellValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object) Assigns a value to the specified cell.
SetCellValue(Int32, String, Object) Assigns a value to the specified cell.
ShowColumnChooser() Invokes the column chooser.
SortBy(GridColumn, ColumnSortOrder, Int32) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order, and places the column at the specified position among the sorted columns.
SortBy(GridColumn, ColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order.
SortBy(GridColumn) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in ascending order.
SortBy(String) Sorts data by the values of the column bound to the specified data field in the ascending order.
See Also