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GridColumn Members

An abstract class that serves as the base class for grid columns.


Name Description
GridColumn() Initializes a new instance of the GridColumn class.


Name Description
ActualWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ActualWidth bindable property.
AllowAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowAutoFilter bindable property.
AllowGroupProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowGroup bindable property.
AllowSortProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowSort bindable property.
AutoFilterConditionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AutoFilterCondition bindable property.
AutoFilterValueProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AutoFilterValue bindable property.
CaptionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Caption bindable property.
ColumnFilterModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ColumnFilterMode bindable property.
ContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ContentAlignment bindable property.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.DisplayFormat bindable property.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FieldName bindable property.
FixedStyleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FixedStyle bindable property.
GroupIntervalProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.GroupInterval bindable property.
HeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.HeaderTemplate bindable property.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter bindable property.
IsGroupedProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsGrouped bindable property.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsReadOnly bindable property.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsVisible bindable property.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.MinWidth bindable property.
SortIndexProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortIndex bindable property.
SortModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortMode bindable property.
SortOrderProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortOrder bindable property.
UnboundExpressionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundExpression bindable property.
UnboundTypeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundType bindable property.
WidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Width bindable property.


Name Description
ActualCaption Gets the column caption as it is displayed in a column header.
ActualWidth Gets the column width. This is a bindable property.
AllowAutoFilter Gets or sets whether an end-user can filter data by the column’s values using the auto-filter panel. This is a bindable property.
AllowGroup Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to group data by the current column. This is a bindable property.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to sort data by the column’s values. This is a bindable property.

Gets or sets the comparison operator used to create filter conditions for the current column via the auto-filter panel. This is a bindable property.

AutoFilterValue Gets or sets the value in the auto-filter panel for the column. This is a bindable property.
Caption Gets or sets the column‘s display caption. This is a bindable property.
ColumnFilterMode Gets or sets how column values are filtered via the auto-filter panel. This is a bindable property.
ContentAlignment Gets or sets the content alignment within column cells. This is a bindable property.
DisplayFormat Gets or sets formatting for values in the column. This is a bindable property.

Gets or sets the column‘s unique field name. For bound columns, this property refers to a field in the underlying data source. For unbound columns, this property serves as a column’s identifier.

This is a bindable property.

FixedStyle Gets or sets whether a column is fixed. This is a bindable property.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how data rows are grouped when grouping by the current column is applied. This is a bindable property.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to define the column headers visual representation.

Gets or sets whether the column’s filter condition is updated as soon as an end-user modifies the text within the auto filter panel’s cell. This is a bindable property.

IsGrouped Gets or sets whether the grid’s data is grouped by the current column. This is a bindable property.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to change cell values in the column. This is a bindable property.
IsUnbound Gets whether the column is unbound.
IsVisible Gets or sets whether the column is visible in the grid. This is a bindable property.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum column width allowed. This is a bindable property.
SerializationTypeName Gets the string containing the column type name.
SortIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among sorted columns. This is a bindable property.
SortMode Specifies how column values are sorted and grouped. This is a bindable property.
SortOrder Gets or sets the column’s sort order. This is a bindable property.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current Unbound Columns. This is a bindable property.
UnboundType Gets or sets the data type and binding mode of the column. This is a bindable property.
Width Gets or sets the column width. This is a bindable property.
See Also