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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

XPServerModeView(Session, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator) Constructor

Uses a Session, object type metadata, and filter criteria to initialize a new XPServerModeView instance.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpo

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll


public XPServerModeView(
    Session session,
    XPClassInfo objectClassInfo,
    CriteriaOperator fixedFilterCriteria


Name Type Description
session Session

The session used to load persistent objects. This value is assigned to the Session property.

objectClassInfo XPClassInfo

The XPClassInfo metadata that describes the target data table in the data store.

fixedFilterCriteria CriteriaOperator

An expression that calculates values to be displayed in a data table. The expression is assigned to the Properties property.

See Also