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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

UnitOfWork Events
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Maintains a list of persistent objects that are affected by a transaction. Keeps track of every change to every persistent object during a transaction that can affect a data store.
Name Description
AfterBeginTrackingChanges Occurs after a transaction (a database level transaction in an explicit unit of work) has been started tracking changes made to persistent objects. Inherited from Session.
AfterBeginTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been started via the BEGIN operation. Inherited from Session.
AfterCommitNestedUnitOfWork Fires after the nested unit of work has been committed. Inherited from Session.
AfterCommitTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been completed via the COMMIT operation. Inherited from Session.
AfterConnect Occurs after a connection to a database has been established. Inherited from Session.
AfterDisconnect Occurs when a connection to a database is closed. Inherited from Session.
AfterDropChanges Occurs after a list of tracked changes has been cleared. Inherited from Session.
AfterFlushChanges Occurs after tracked changes have been temporarily saved to a data store. Inherited from Session.
AfterRollbackTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been completed via the ROLLBACK operation. Inherited from Session.
BeforeBeginTrackingChanges Occurs when a transaction (a database level transaction in an explicit unit of work) is about to be started to track changes made to persistent objects. Inherited from Session.
BeforeBeginTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be started via the BEGIN operation. Inherited from Session.
BeforeCommitNestedUnitOfWork Fires before the nested unit of work is committed. Inherited from Session.
BeforeCommitTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be completed via the COMMIT operation. Inherited from Session.
BeforeConnect Occurs before the connection to a database is established. Inherited from Session.
BeforeDisconnect Occurs before the connection to a database is detached. Inherited from Session.
BeforeDropChanges Occurs when a list of tracked changes is about to be cleared. Inherited from Session.
BeforeFlushChanges Occurs when tracked changes are about to be temporarily saved to a data store. Inherited from Session.
BeforePreProcessCommitedList Fires after the Session.CommitTransaction method has been called. Inherited from Session.
BeforeRollbackTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be completed via the ROLLBACK operation. Inherited from Session.
BeforeSave Obsolete. Occurs before a persistent object is saved in storage. Inherited from Session.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
FailedCommitTransaction Occurs when the Commit Transaction operation fails due to database constraints or other circumstances. Inherited from Session.
FailedFlushChanges Occurs when the Flush Changes operation fails due to database constraints or other circumstances. Inherited from Session.
ObjectChanged Occurs after an object’s property has been changed. Inherited from Session.
ObjectDeleted Occurs after an object has been deleted. Inherited from Session.
ObjectDeleting Occurs when an object is about to be deleted. Inherited from Session.
ObjectLoaded Occurs after an object’s properties have been initialized with values from a data store. Inherited from Session.
ObjectLoading Occurs when an object’s properties are about to be initialized with values from a data store. Inherited from Session.
ObjectSaved Occurs after an object has been saved to a data store. Inherited from Session.
ObjectSaving Occurs when an object is about to be saved to a data store. Inherited from Session.
ObjectsLoaded Occurs after persistent objects have been initialized with values from a data store. Inherited from Session.
ObjectsSaved Occurs after persistent objects have been saved to a data store. Inherited from Session.
See Also