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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

ISerializableObjectLayer Members

In This Article
Defines essential members for object access layers created for units of work (or sessions) in distributed applications.


Name Description
CanLoadCollectionObjects When implemented by a class, indicates if an object layer can call the ISerializableObjectLayer.LoadCollectionObjects method to load collection properties.


Name Description
CommitObjects(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStubCollection, XPObjectStubCollection, LockingOption) When implemented by a class, commits changes made to specified objects and returns information on modified objects.
CreateObjectType(String, String) When implemented by a class, creates an XPObjectType record.
GetObjectsByKey(XPDictionaryStub, GetObjectStubsByKeyQuery[]) When implemented by a class, returns information on persistent objects retrieved from a data store using queries based on specified object types and key values.
LoadCollectionObjects(XPDictionaryStub, String, XPObjectStub) When implemented by a class, loads a collection property using specified settings.
LoadObjects(XPDictionaryStub, ObjectStubsQuery[]) When implemented by a class, loads persistent objects using specified settings.
Purge() When implemented by a class, removes all objects marked for deletion.
SelectData(XPDictionaryStub, ObjectStubsQuery, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator) When implemented by a class, retrieves object data from a session using specified query parameters.
See Also