How to: Implement a Custom Layout Algorithm
- 3 minutes to read
To implement a custom layout algorithm that can be used to place tree map items into a parent container and set their size, design a class implementing the ITreeMapLayoutAlgorithm interface and implement its ITreeMapLayoutAlgorithm.Calculate method.
using DevExpress.TreeMap;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeMap;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace CustomLayoutAlgorithmSample {
class CustomLayoutAlgorithm : ITreeMapLayoutAlgorithm, IComparer<ITreeMapItemLayout> {
public TreeMapLayoutDirection Direction {
get; set;
public event LayoutAlgorithmChangedEventHandler LayoutAlgorithmChanged;
public void Calculate(IEnumerable<ITreeMapItemLayout> items, double width, double height, int groupLevel) {
double unlayoutedItemsWeight = 0;
foreach(var item in items)
unlayoutedItemsWeight += item.Weight;
var sortedItems = items.ToList();
TreeMapRect emptySpace = new TreeMapRect(0, 0, width, height);
foreach(var item in sortedItems) {
double itemWidth;
double itemHeight;
double newEmptySpaceX;
double newEmptySpaceY;
double newEmptySpaceWidth;
double newEmptySpaceHeight;
if(emptySpace.Width / emptySpace.Height > 1) {
itemWidth = emptySpace.Width * item.Weight / unlayoutedItemsWeight;
itemHeight = emptySpace.Height;
newEmptySpaceX = emptySpace.X + itemWidth;
newEmptySpaceY = emptySpace.Y;
newEmptySpaceHeight = emptySpace.Height;
newEmptySpaceWidth = emptySpace.Width - itemWidth;
newEmptySpaceWidth = newEmptySpaceWidth < 0 ? 0 : newEmptySpaceWidth;
else {
itemWidth = emptySpace.Width;
itemHeight = emptySpace.Height * item.Weight / unlayoutedItemsWeight;
newEmptySpaceX = emptySpace.X;
newEmptySpaceY = emptySpace.Y + itemHeight;
newEmptySpaceWidth = emptySpace.Width;
newEmptySpaceHeight = emptySpace.Height - itemHeight;
newEmptySpaceHeight = newEmptySpaceHeight < 0 ? 0 : newEmptySpaceHeight;
item.Layout = new TreeMapRect(emptySpace.X, emptySpace.Y, itemWidth, itemHeight);
emptySpace = new TreeMapRect(
unlayoutedItemsWeight -= item.Weight;
public int Compare(ITreeMapItemLayout x, ITreeMapItemLayout y) {
if(x.Weight > y.Weight) return -1;
else if(x.Weight < y.Weight) return 1;
else return 0;