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DevExpress Radial Progress Bar for .NET MAUI

  • 3 minutes to read

The RadialProgressBar control is a gauge that allows you to visualize statistics, loading states, or the progress of an operation.

DevExpress Radial Progress Bar for .NET MAUI - Preview

Radial Progress Bar Elements (Anatomy)

The following figure shows basic elements of a radial progress bar:

DevExpress Radial Progress Bar for .NET MAUI - Elements

Add a Radial Progress Bar to a Project

Follow the steps below to add a RadialProgressBar to an app:

  1. Install the DevExpress.Maui.Gauges NuGet package. Refer to the following topic for more information: Get Started. Note that DevExpress.Maui.Gauges automatically references the SkiaSharp.Views.Maui.Controls library that is used to render gauges.
  2. Declare the xmlns:dxga="clr-namespace:DevExpress.Maui.Gauges;assembly=DevExpress.Maui.Gauges" namespace in the ContentPage.
  3. Add <dxga:RadialProgressBar></dxga:RadialProgressBar> tags to the page.
<ContentPage ...
    <dxga:RadialProgressBar Value="0.3" 

Specify Value Boundaries

You can set the progress bar Value property to a number between default boundaries of 0 and 1. You can specify StartValue and EndValue to define custom value boundaries.

<dxga:RadialProgressBar Value="30"

Define Indeterminate State

Set a progress bar’s IsIndeterminate property to true to switch the progress bar to indeterminate state. In this state, RadialProgressBar moves its value indicator along the ring or arc to indicate that some operation is in progress. Note that different animation effects apply to the value indicator for a circle scale and arc scale.

DevExpress Radial progress bar - Indeterminate state animation

<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...
                        IsIndeterminate="{Binding Source={x:Reference switch}, Path=IsToggled, Mode=TwoWay}">

Specify Scale Layout

The position of a scale depends on the following properties:


The clockwise rotation angle that defines the scale start position, in degrees. The following image shows a radial progress bar with different starting angles (the sweep angle is 240 degrees).

DevExpress Gauges for .NET MAUI - Start angle


Specifies the sweep angle of a scale, clockwise in degrees. The following image shows a radial progress bar with different sweep angles (the start angle is 0):

DevExpress Gauges for .NET MAUI - Sweep angle

The following figure shows how StartAngle and SweepAngle affect the scale:

DevExpress .NET MAUI Gauges - Gauge Sweep Direction

<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...
                        StartAngle="0" SweepAngle="360"/>
<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...
                        StartAngle="-180" SweepAngle="180"/>

Configure Animation

You can apply different animation effects to the value indicator when the Value property changes. Enable a progress bar’s AllowAnimation property. You can use the AnimationDuration property to set the animation progress time.

Specify the AnimationEasing property to define how the value indicator animation speeds up or slows down. The following easing functions are available:

The following example applies animation effects to a radial progress bar:

DevExpress Radial Progress Bar for .NET MAUI -- Value indicator animation

<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...
        <dxcore:ExponentialEasingFunction EasingMode="In" Exponent="2"/>

Add Center Content

Specify a progress bar’s Content property to add any content to the center of the progress bar. The ContentTemplate property allows you to define how the content looks. ContentTemplate uses the object you put to Content as its binding context.

DevExpress RadialProgressBar

<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...
                        SweepAngle="360" StartAngle="-180" 
                        Value="{Binding ChargeInfo.Value}" 
                        StartValue="0" EndValue="100"
                        Content="{Binding ChargeInfo}">
            <dxcore:DXStackLayout Orientation="Vertical">
                <dxcore:DXImage Source="{Binding Icon}" 
                                TintColor="#8F79CA" HeightRequest="50"/>
                <Label HorizontalOptions="Center" FontSize="Title" >
                            <Span Text="{Binding Value}" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
                            <Span Text="%"/>
public class MainViewModel {
    public ChargeInfo ChargeInfo { get; set; } = new() { Value = 30, Icon = ImageSource.FromFile("lightning.svg") };
public class ChargeInfo : INotifyPropertyChanged {
    double _value;
    public ImageSource Icon { get; set; }
    public double Value {
        get { return _value; }
        set {
            _value = value;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") {
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Customize Appearance

The following properties allow you to customize radial progress bar appearance:

DevExpress Radial Progress Bar - Appearance customization

<dxga:RadialProgressBar ...