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DxListEditorBase<TData, TValue>.ValueFieldName Property

Specifies the data source field that populates values for component items.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public string ValueFieldName { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
String String.Empty

The field name.


If an editor is bound to a field that stores IDs or other non-user-friendly values, you may want to use lookup functionality. You can replace IDs with human-readable strings and let users select values from a lookup list.

For example, the images below shows how lookup functionality is used for the Employee.ID field of the Employees data source object. The component finds the IDs from a different collection and replaces them with the corresponding DisplayText values.


Value Field Scheme

Use the ValueFieldName property to specify a data source field to obtain item values from. To access the editor’s selected value, use the Value property.


If the ValueFieldName property is not specified and TValue and TData are different, the editor searches for a Value field in the data source. If the field is found and its type matches TValue, the component uses this field as a value field.

<DxComboBox Data="@Employees.DataSource"

@code {
    int Value { get; set; } = 1;

Run Demo: ComboBox - Item Values

List Box

List Box - Value Field Scheme

Use the ValueFieldName property to specify a data source field to obtain item values from. To access the editor’s selected values, use the Values property.


If the ValueFieldName property is not specified and TValue and TData are different, the List Box component searches for a Value field in the data source. If the field is found and its type matches TValue, the component uses this field as a value field.

<DxListBox Data="@Employees.DataSource" 

@code {
    IEnumerable<int> Values { get; set; } = Employees.DataSource.Take(2).Select(t => t.ID);

Run Demo: List Box - Item Values


Value Field Scheme

Use the ValueFieldName property to specify a data source field to obtain item values from. To access the editor’s selected values, use the Values property.


If the ValueFieldName property is not specified and TValue and TData are different, the editor searches for a Value field in the data source. If the field is found and its type matches TValue, the component uses this field as a value field.

<DxTagBox Data="@Employees.DataSource"

@code {
    IEnumerable<int> Values { get; set; } = Employees.DataSource.Take(2).Select(t => t.ID);

Run Demo: TagBox - Item Values


DevExpress.Blazor.IListEditorBase<TData, TValue>.ValueFieldName
See Also