Toast Notification
- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress Toast component for Blazor (DxToast) allows you to notify your users about processes and events. You can place the component in markup and show it on demand, or use the notification service (IToastNotificationService) to create toasts at runtime.
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Toast Content
A toast notification can include a Title, Text, icon, Template and close button. A toast notification displays a pre-defined icon. Use the IconCssClass property to customize icon settings. Set the ShowIcon property to false
to hide the icon.
Pre-defined Styles
To configure toast appearance, specify the RenderStyle and ThemeMode properties.
Toast Display Time and Freezing
A toast notification automatically disappears after the period specified by the DisplayTime property. Set this property to 0
to leave the message visible until a user or an API call closes it. If you don’t assign a value to this property, the display time is determined by the DxToastProvider.DisplayTime property instead (5 seconds by default).
Enable the FreezeOnClick option to allow users to freeze a toast notification (prevent it from disappearing) with a click.
Toast Position
Toast provider settings determine toast position on a page. Use HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties to position toast notifications.