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Templates in Blazor TreeList

  • 10 minutes to read

TreeList templates are RenderFragment<TValue> type properties. These render fragments can contain both markup and other Razor components. A template’s Razor markup can access the implicit context parameter that is derived from the TValue type and contains template-related members.

<DxTreeList Data="TreeListData" KeyFieldName="Id" ParentKeyFieldName="ParentId">
    <Columns> @* ... *@ </Columns>
        <DxToolbar ItemRenderStyleMode="ToolbarRenderStyleMode.Contained">
                <DxToolbarItem Text="Auto Fit Columns" Click="() => context.TreeList.AutoFitColumnWidths()" />

You can use the Context attribute to change the parameter name. This name change is essential when you nest components that contain RenderFragment<TValue> properties. Otherwise, the following error can occur: The child content element ‘ChildContent’ of component ‘X’ uses the same parameter name (‘context’) ….

<DxTreeList Data="TreeListData" ChildrenFieldName="Satellites" ShowFilterRow="true">
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Mass10pow21kg" Caption="Mass, kg" DisplayFormat="N2">
            <FilterRowCellTemplate context="filterContext">
                <DxComboBox @bind-Value="filterContext.FilterCriteria"
                            Data="MassIntervals" ValueFieldName="Criteria" TextFieldName="DisplayText"
                            ClearButtonDisplayMode="DataEditorClearButtonDisplayMode.Auto" />
        @* ... *@

Run Demo: Overview Run Demo: Auto Fit

Data Column Templates

This section lists data column properties that allow you to create templates for various elements.

Blazor TreeList - Data column elements

Element Property
Column Header Caption HeaderCaptionTemplate
Filter Row Cell FilterRowCellTemplate
Cell CellDisplayTemplate
Column Footer FooterTemplate

Selection Column Templates

This section lists selection column properties that allow you to create templates for various elements.

Blazor TreeList - Selection column elements

Element Property
Column Header HeaderCaptionTemplate, HeaderTemplate
Filter Row Cell FilterRowCellTemplate
Cell CellDisplayTemplate
Column Footer FooterTemplate

TreeList-Level Templates

This section lists template properties available on the component level. These properties serve two main purposes:

  • Modify elements that are not part of columns.
  • Specify templates that apply to all columns of a particular type.

Blazor TreeList - Data column elements

Blazor TreeList - Data Shaping Elements

Element TreeList Property
Cell DataColumnCellDisplayTemplate
Empty Data Area EmptyDataAreaTemplate
Column Header Caption ColumnHeaderCaptionTemplate
Toolbar ToolbarTemplate
Filter Row Cell DataColumnFilterRowCellTemplate
Column Footer ColumnFooterTemplate

Task-Based Examples

This section contains code samples that demonstrate template functionality.

Create a Template at Runtime

You can specify a template as a method that returns required content (RenderFragment<TValue>). If the method returns null, the TreeList renders the default element.

The following code snippet demonstrates two options used to specify the template - in the markup and in the AfterRender method.

@inject EmployeeTaskService EmployeeTaskService

<DxTreeList @ref="TreeList"
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Name" Caption="Task" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="EmployeeName" FilterRowCellTemplate="GetFilterTemplate(false)" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="StartDate" FilterRowCellTemplate="GetFilterTemplate(true)" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="DueDate" FilterRowCellTemplate="GetFilterTemplate(true)" />

@code {
    ITreeList TreeList { get; set; }
    List<EmployeeTask> TreeListData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        TreeListData = EmployeeTaskService.GenerateData();
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender) {
        if (firstRender) {
            var column = TreeList.GetDataColumns().First(c => c.FieldName == "Name");
            column.CellDisplayTemplate = context => {
                return @<text><b>@context.DisplayText</b></text>;
            column.FilterRowCellTemplate = GetFilterTemplate(false);
    RenderFragment<TreeListDataColumnFilterRowCellTemplateContext> GetFilterTemplate(bool isCustom) {
        if (!isCustom) return null;
        return context => {
            return __builder => {
                <DxDateEdit Date="(DateTime?)context.FilterRowValue"
                            NullText="Select a date"
                            DateChanged="(DateTime? v) => context.FilterRowValue = v" />

Custom Pager

DxTreeList does not support a template for the pager. However, you can set the PagerVisible property to false to hide the default pager and use custom components for navigation.

In the following code snippet, a custom DxPager component allows users to navigate between pages. An external <div> displays the total number of records next to the pager.

.treelist-container {
    width: 950px;
.pager-container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    padding: 8px;
    border: 1px solid #d2d2d2;
    border-top: none;
<div class="treelist-container">
    <DxTreeList @ref="@TreeList"
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Name" Caption="Task" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="EmployeeName" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="StartDate" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="DueDate" />
            <DxTreeListSummaryItem SummaryType="TreeListSummaryItemType.Count"
                                   Visible="false" />
    <div class="pager-container">
        <DxPager PageCount="@PageCount" @bind-ActivePageIndex="@ActivePageIndex" />
            Total: @TotalRecords records

@code {
    ITreeList TreeList { get; set; }
    List<EmployeeTask> TreeListData { get; set; }
    int PageCount { get; set; }
    int TotalRecords { get; set; }
    int PageSize { get; set; } = 5;
    int ActivePageIndex { get; set; } = 0;
    string RowCountField { get; set; } = "DueDate";

    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        TreeListData = EmployeeTaskService.GenerateData();
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender) {
        TotalRecords = (int)(TreeList.GetTotalSummaryValue(TreeList?.GetTotalSummaryItems().First()));
        PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)TotalRecords / PageSize);

Blazor TreeList - Custom Pager

Display Images in TreeList Cells

To display an image from a binary source, place an <img> element into CellDisplayTemplate and specify the src property. Review the example below:

<DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="ImageData">
        <img style="width: 300px;" src="@GetImageSource(context)" />
const string ImageSourceFormat = "data:image/gif;base64,{0}";

void GetImageSource(TreeListCellDisplayTemplateContext context) {
    return string.Format(ImageSourceFormat, Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])context.Value));

To display links in TreeList cells, implement a CellDisplayTemplate and add a link element to it.

The following code snippet displays links to Wikipedia pages:

@inject SpaceObjectDataProvider SpaceObjectDataProvider

<DxTreeList Data="TreeListData" ChildrenFieldName="Satellites">
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Name" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="TypeOfObject" Caption="Type" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Mass10pow21kg" Caption="Mass, kg" DisplayFormat="N2">
            <HeaderCaptionTemplate>Mass, 10<sup>21</sup> &#215; kg</HeaderCaptionTemplate>
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="MeanRadiusInKM" Caption="Radius, km" DisplayFormat="N2" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Volume10pow9KM3" DisplayFormat="N2">
            <HeaderCaptionTemplate>Volume, 10<sup>9</sup> &#215; km<sup>3</sup></HeaderCaptionTemplate>
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="SurfaceGravity" DisplayFormat="N2">
            <HeaderCaptionTemplate>Gravity, m/s<sup>2</sup></HeaderCaptionTemplate>
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="WikiPage" AllowSort="false" Width="150px">
            <CellDisplayTemplate><a href="@context.Value">Open Wikipedia</a></CellDisplayTemplate>

@code {
    object TreeListData { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        TreeListData = SpaceObjectDataProvider.GenerateData();

Blazor TreeList - Links in cells