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Captcha Visual Elements

This topic describes the visual elements of the Captcha.


The following visual elements are available.

#Refresh Button

The refresh button is used to refresh the code displayed within the challenge image. The table below lists the main members that affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristics Members
Settings CaptchaSettings.RefreshButton
Style CaptchaStyles.RefreshButton (via CaptchaSettings.Styles.RefreshButton), CaptchaStyles.DisabledRefreshButton (via CaptchaSettings.Styles.DisabledRefreshButton)
Localization ASPxEditorsStringId.Captcha_RefreshText

#Challenge Image

The challenge image is used to display the code in a Captcha. The table below lists the main members that affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristics Members
Animation CaptchaSettings.EnableCallbackAnimation
Settings CaptchaSettings.ChallengeImage
Localization ASPxEditorsStringId.Captcha_DefaultImageAlternateText

#Text Box

The text box is used to enter the code displayed by the challenge image. The table below lists the main members that affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristics Members
Settings CaptchaSettings.TextBox
Style CaptchaStyles.TextBox (via CaptchaSettings.Styles.TextBox), CaptchaStyles.NullText (via CaptchaSettings.Styles.NullText)
Localization ASPxEditorsStringId.Captcha_DefaultTextBoxLabelText

#Loading Panel

The loading panel is displayed within the challenge image while the code is refreshing.


The table below lists the main members that affect the element’s appearance and functionality:

Characteristics Members
Settings CaptchaSettings.LoadingPanel
Style CaptchaSettings.LoadingPanelStyle
Image CaptchaSettings.LoadingPanelImage