RichEdit Class
A client-side Rich Text Editor object.
export class RichEdit
#authenticationOptions Property
Provides access to credentials used to identify editable ranges in a protected document.
readonly authenticationOptions: AuthenticationOptions
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Authentication |
An object that contains the credentials. |
#contextMenu Property
Provides access to the context menu settings.
readonly contextMenu: IContextMenu
#Property Value
Type | Description |
IContext |
An object that implements the IContext |
richEdit.contextMenu.enabled = false;
#document Property
Provides access to document structural elements.
readonly document: RichEditDocument
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Rich |
An object that lists a Rich |
The document property provides access to information about document structural elements (such as sections, sub-documents, and tables).
//reduces the document's font collection to the specified fonts
var myFonts = ['Arial', 'Calibri'];
richEdit.document.fonts.getAllFontNames().forEach(fontName =>
myFonts.find(myFontName =>
myFontName == fontName) ? null : richEdit.document.fonts.getByName(fontName).delete());
#documentExtension Property
Specifies the extension of the current document.
get documentExtension(): string
set documentExtension(filePath: string)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
string | Returns the document extension, for instance, |
If the RichEdit control cannot match the specified value to a supported file extension, the control does not change the extension and gives warning.
#documentFormat Property
Specifies the format in which the editor prepares the document for saving or export.
get documentFormat(): DocumentFormat
set documentFormat(format: DocumentFormat)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Document |
The document format. |
Use the documentFormat
property to specify a default format in which the document will be prepared for saving (saveDocument) or export (downloadDocument) if the format is not specified in the corresponding method.
You can specify a document format as a string value.
richEdit.documentFormat = DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.PlainText
richEdit.documentFormat = "txt";
RichEdit assigns a document format of an opened document to the documentFormat property.
#documentName Property
Specifies the name of the current document.
get documentName(): string
set documentName(name: string)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
string | The document name. |
When you call the downloadDocument or downloadPdf method, the method’s documentName parameter allows you to specify the downloaded document name. If the parameter is not specified, this documentName property specifies the default document name.
richEdit.documentName = "MyDocument1";
//downloads the MyDocument1.txt file
RichEdit assigns the name of an opened document to the documentName property.
richEdit.openDocument(documentAsBase64, "DocumentName.docx", DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml)
// now the documentName property returns "DocumentName"
The documentrich
. Make sure that you configure access rights for application directories.
#documentSaveFormat Property
Specifies the format in which the editor prepares the document for saving.
get documentSaveFormat(): DocumentFormat
set documentSaveFormat(format: DocumentFormat)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Document |
The document format. |
When a user clicks the Save button or the saveDocument method is called, the Rich Text Editor converts the document’s content to base64 and invokes the Saving event.
Use the documentSaveFormat property to specify a format in which the document will be converted to base64.
#events Property
Provides access to a list of client-side events specific to the RichEdit
get events(): Events
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Events | An object that allows you to assign handlers to the client-side events. |
The events property provides access to a list of properties whose names correspond to the events available to the RichEdit
control. These properties allow you to dynamically add and remove events handlers.
#fileName Property
Specifies the name of the downloaded file.
get fileName(): string
set fileName(name: string)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
string | The file name. |
When you call the downloadDocument method, the method’s fileName parameter allows you to specify the downloaded file name.
If the parameter is not specified, this fileName property specifies the default file name.
richEdit.fileName = "myDocument1";
#fullScreen Property
Enables you to switch the full-screen mode of the Rich Text Editor.
get fullScreen(): boolean
set fullScreen(value: boolean)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
In full-screen mode, the Rich Text Editor occupies the browser’s entire client region and can be resized with the browser window.
richEdit.fullScreen = true;
#hasUnsavedChanges Property
Specifies the Save button availability.
get hasUnsavedChanges(): boolean
set hasUnsavedChanges(value: boolean)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
The hasUnsavedChanges property is set to true
on any document change.
The property is set to false
and the Save button is disabled as a result in the following cases:
- The Saving event argument’s handled property is set to
. - A request to save a document to the server (exportUrl/ExportUrl(String)) has succeeded and returns the 200 OK status response code.
You can set the property value manually to change the Save button availability.
Use the modified property to determine whether the document has unsaved changes.
#history Property
Provides access to methods related to Rich Text Editor history.
readonly history: History
#Property Value
Type | Description |
History | An object that contains history-related methods. |
#isDisposed Property
Indicates whether the RichEdit control is disposed.
get isDisposed(): boolean
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
#isDocumentImported Property
Indicates whether the document is imported to the control.
get isDocumentImported(): boolean
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
When the isDocumentImported property returns false
, the RichEdit control is importing a document and rejects an attempt to import another document.
#layout Property
Provide access to the Rich Text Editor’s layout settings.
readonly layout: RichEditLayout
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Rich |
An object that contains layout settings. |
richEdit.layout.showHiddenSymbols = true;
richEdit.layout.showTableGridLines = false;
#loadingPanel Property
Provides access to settings related to loading panel functionality.
get loadingPanel(): LoadingPanel
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Loading |
An object that contains settings related to a loading panel. |
The loadingPanel property allows you to perform the following actions:
- disable the loading panel;
- show and hide the loading panel manually;
- provide a custom loading panel.;
#mailMergeOptions Property
Provides access to the options related to the mail merge functionality.
readonly mailMergeOptions: MailMergeOptions
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Mail |
An object that contains mail-merge options. |
var newDataSource = [
{ firstName: "Alex", birthYear: 1991 },
{ firstName: "Joe", birthYear: 1990 },
{ firstName: "Bob", birthYear: 1995 }
richEdit.mailMergeOptions.activeRecordIndex = 15;
#nusaSettings Property
Provides access to the Nuance-related settings.
readonly nusaSettings: NusaSettings
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Nusa |
An object that contains Nuance-related settings. |
#printMode Property
Specifies the print mode.
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Print |
The print mode. |
The printMode
property specifies the mode used to print a document in the following cases:
- when a user clicks the Print ribbon button;
- when the printDocument method is called without a parameter.
richEdit.printMode = DevExpress.RichEdit.PrintMode.Pdf;
Use the Mode(PrintMode) method to specify the print mode on the server side.
#rangePermissionOptions Property
Provides access to visual settings for a permitted range.
readonly rangePermissionOptions: RangePermissionOptions
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Range |
An object that contains visual settings. |
#readOnly Property
Specifies whether document modifications are prohibited.
get readOnly(): boolean
set readOnly(value: boolean)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
richEdit.readOnly = true;
#selection Property
Provides access to the selection in Rich Text Editor.
readonly selection: RichEditSelection
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Rich |
An object that contains members to work with the selection. |
#showHorizontalRuler Property
Specifies whether the horizontal ruler is shown.
get showHorizontalRuler(): boolean
set showHorizontalRuler(value: boolean)
#Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean |
richEdit.showHorizontalRuler = true;
The Rich Text Editor hides the horizontal ruler when Simple View mode is enabled.
#simpleViewSettings Property
Provides access to the Simple view mode’s settings.
readonly simpleViewSettings: SimpleViewSettings
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Simple |
An object that contains the Simple view mode’s settings. |
Set the viewType property to Simple
to enable the Simple view mode.
richEdit.viewType = DevExpress.RichEdit.ViewType.Simple;
richEdit.simpleViewSettings.fixedWidth = 300;
richEdit.simpleViewSettings.paddings = {top: 40, right: 40, bottom: 40, left: 40};
Alternatively, you can specify the Simple view mode’s settings on the server side (SimpleView(Action<SimpleViewSettingsBuilder>)) or using the Options object (simpleViewSettings).
#spellCheckerOptions Property
Provides access to spell check settings.
readonly spellCheckerOptions: SpellCheckerOptions
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Spell |
An object that contains spell check settings. |
Use the client-side spellCheck option or the server-side SpellCheck(Action<SpellCheckBuilder>) method to configure spell check settings. The spellCheckerOptions property allows you to access the isEnabled setting that enables and disables spell check at runtime.
Refer to the following section for more information: Spell Check.
#unitConverter Property
Allows you to convert units.
readonly unitConverter: UnitConverter
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Unit |
A unit converter object. |
var marginSize = richEdit.unitConverter.centimetersToTwips(1);
var margins = new DevExpress.RichEdit.Margins(
marginSize, marginSize, marginSize, marginSize);
richEdit.document.sections.getByIndex(0).margins = margins;
#viewType Property
Specifies a document view layout type.
#Property Value
Type | Description |
View |
The document view type. |
richEdit.viewType = DevExpress.RichEdit.ViewType.PrintLayout;
If the viewType property is set to Simple
, use the simpleViewSettings property to customize the Simple View mode’s settings.
#adjust Method
Modifies the RichEdit’s size against the control’s container.
adjust(): void
The adjust method recalculates the size of the control’s client object to correctly display it, when the control’s parent container is dynamically changed on the client side.
#assignShortcut(shortcut, callback) Method
Assign a shortcut to a function.
shortcut: ShortcutOptions,
callback: () => void
): void
Name | Type | Description |
shortcut | Shortcut |
The shortcut options. |
callback | () => void | A function to assign a shortcut. |
// adds the Ctrl+1 shortcut
var ctrlKey = true;
var shortcutOpts = new DevExpress.RichEdit.ShortcutOptions(
DevExpress.RichEdit.KeyCode.Key_1, ctrlKey);
richEdit.assignShortcut(shortcutOpts, function () { alert('your actions here'); });
#beginUpdate Method
Locks the RichEdit to prevent its visual updates until the endUpdate method is called.
beginUpdate(): void
Enclose your code in the beginUpdate - endUpdate method calls to suppress the RichEdit’s visual updates and improve its performance when you perform multiple changes to a document.
Each call to beginUpdate must be paired with the endUpdate call. The beginUpdate method locks the RichEdit, so that it is not rendered after each modification. The endUpdate method unlocks the control to enable all the changes to take effect.
#createDocumentProcessor Method
Creates a new document processor.
options?: IInitDocumentProcessorOptions
): DocumentProcessorBase
Name | Type | Description |
options | IInit |
An object that contains the document processor’s options. |
Type | Description |
Document |
The newly created document processor. |
The document processor is a non-visual object that allows you to access and customize a document via code.
Use the createDocumentProcessor method to create an instance of a document processor. Set the IInitDocumentProcessorOptions.cloneCurrentModel option to true
to clone the current document model to the newly created document processor. If the property is set to false
, the processor is created with a new document.
Dispose the document processor after use. If you create a document processor in the on
var proc = richEdit.createDocumentProcessor();
proc.document.fields.create(proc.document.length, 'docvariable complexContent');
proc.document.fields.create(proc.document.length, 'docvariable text');
proc.document.fields.create(proc.document.length, 'docvariable complexContent');
proc.document.fields.create(proc.document.length, 'docvariable text');
proc.onCalculateDocumentVariable = function (s, e) {
if (e.variableName == 'complexContent') {
var docvarProc = richEdit.createDocumentProcessor();
var picUrl = 'your-image-URL';
var picSize = new DevExpress.RichEdit.Size(docvarProc.unitConverter.pixelsToTwips(200), docvarProc.unitConverter.pixelsToTwips(200));
docvarProc.document.insertPicture(0, picUrl, picSize);
docvarProc.document.insertText(docvarProc.document.length, 'Content1');
docvarProc.document.setCharacterProperties(new DevExpress.RichEdit.Interval(1, 3), { bold: true });
docvarProc.document.insertText(docvarProc.document.length, 'Content2');
e.value = docvarProc;
if (e.variableName == 'text') {
e.value = '!SimpelText!';
proc.document.fields.updateAllFields(function () {
proc.exportDocumentToBase64(function (base64) {
richEdit.openDocument(base64, 'someFile', DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml, (succ) => console.log(succ));
}, DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
#dispose Method
Releases resources used by the RichEdit.
dispose(): void
#downloadDocument Method
Downloads the current document.
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat,
documentName?: string
): void
Name | Type | Description |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
document |
string | The name of the downloaded document. |
Call the downloadDocument method to download the current document.
If the documentFormat parameter is not specified, the RichEdit uses the documentFormat property value instead. If the property is not specified, the document is downloaded in the OpenXml format (.docx).
If the documentName parameter is not specified, the RichEdit uses the documentName property value instead. If the property is not specified, the document name is set to ‘document1’.
// downloads the myDocument.rtf file
richEdit.downloadDocument(DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.Rtf, 'myDocument');
#downloadPdf Method
Downloads the current document as a PDF file.
downloadPdf(documentName?: string, options?: ((pdfDocument: any) => void) | {
modifyPdfDocument?: (pdfDocument: any) => void;
modifyPdfPage?: (pdfDocument: any) => void;
}): void
Name | Type | Description |
document |
string | The name of the downloaded document. |
options | (pdf |
A function that allows you to modify the PDF document before it is downloaded; or an object that contains modify |
The downloadPdf method exports the document to the Portable Document Format (PDF) and downloads it to a local machine.
You can write a function to modify each page after it is exported (modifyPdfPage), or modify the document after the export is completed (modifyPdfDocument). The pdfDocument parameter is an object of the PDFKit library. If an export fails, the parameter returns null
If the documentName parameter is not specified, the file is downloaded with a name specified by the documentName property. If the property is not specified, the downloaded file name is ‘document1’.
If you use the download
#endUpdate Method
Unlocks the RichEdit object after a call to the beginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update.
endUpdate(): void
Enclose your code in the beginUpdate - endUpdate method calls to suppress the RichEdit’s visual updates and improve its performance when you perform multiple changes to a document.
Each call to beginUpdate must be paired with the endUpdate call. The beginUpdate method locks the RichEdit, so that it is not rendered after each modification. The endUpdate method unlocks the control to enable all the changes to take effect.
#executeCommand(commandId) Method
Executes the specified command.
commandId: CommandId,
parameter?: any
): boolean
Name | Type | Description |
command |
Command |
The command’s identifier. |
parameter | any | The command’s parameter. |
Type | Description |
boolean | true if the command is successfully executed; otherwise, false. |
The ribbon commands that require a parameter are listed below.
Command | Parameter |
Change |
The new font name. |
Change |
The new character or paragraph style name. Use the CS- prefix for character styles and PS- prefix for paragraph styles. |
Change |
The new table style name. |
Change |
Available values: 'None' , 'Dashed' , 'Double' , 'Dotted' , and 'Single' .If the parameter is specified incorrectly, the 'Single' value is applied. |
Change |
A border width in twips. The ribbon item displays the width in points. Use Unit |
Change |
The new outline width in twips. The ribbon item displays the width in points. Use Unit |
Change Change Change Change Change Change |
The new color (see the available color formats below). |
The following color formats are available:
values.- Hexadecimal notation (for example,
). - RGB format (for example,
). - Named colors (for example,
Name | HEX | Name | HEX | Name | HEX | Name | HEX |
aliceblue | #f0f8ff |
darkturquoise | #00ced1 |
lightskyblue | #87cefa |
peachpuff | #ffdab9 |
antiquewhite | #faebd7 |
darkviolet | #9400d3 |
lightslateblue | #8470ff |
peru | #cd853f |
aqua | #00ffff |
deeppink | #ff1493 |
lightslategray | #778899 |
pink | #ffc0cb |
aquamarine | #7fffd4 |
deepskyblue | #00bfff |
lightsteelblue | #b0c4de |
plum | #dda0dd |
azure | #f0ffff |
dimgray | #696969 |
lightyellow | #ffffe0 |
powderblue | #b0e0e6 |
beige | #f5f5dc |
dodgerblue | #1e90ff |
lime | #00ff00 |
purple | #800080 |
bisque | #ffe4c4 |
feldspar | #d19275 |
limegreen | #32cd32 |
red | #ff0000 |
black | #000000 |
firebrick | #b22222 |
linen | #faf0e6 |
rosybrown | #bc8f8f |
blanchedalmond | #ffebcd |
floralwhite | #fffaf0 |
magenta | #ff00ff |
royalblue | #4169e1 |
blue | #0000ff |
forestgreen | #228b22 |
maroon | #800000 |
saddlebrown | #8b4513 |
blueviolet | #8a2be2 |
fuchsia | #ff00ff |
mediumaquamarine | #66cdaa |
salmon | #fa8072 |
brown | #a52a2a |
gainsboro | #dcdcdc |
mediumblue | #0000cd |
sandybrown | #f4a460 |
burlywood | #deb887 |
ghostwhite | #f8f8ff |
mediumorchid | #ba55d3 |
seagreen | #2e8b57 |
cadetblue | #5f9ea0 |
gold | #ffd700 |
mediumpurple | #9370d8 |
seashell | #fff5ee |
chartreuse | #7fff00 |
goldenrod | #daa520 |
mediumseagreen | #3cb371 |
sienna | #a0522d |
chocolate | #d2691e |
gray | #808080 |
mediumslateblue | #7b68ee |
silver | #c0c0c0 |
coral | #ff7f50 |
green | #00ff00 |
mediumspringgreen | #00fa9a |
skyblue | #87ceeb |
cornflowerblue | #6495ed |
honeydew | #f0fff0 |
mediumturquoise | #48d1cc |
slateblue | #6a5acd |
cornsilk | #fff8dc |
hotpink | #ff69b4 |
mediumvioletred | #c71585 |
slategray | #708090 |
crimson | #dc143c |
indianred | #cd5c5c |
midnightblue | #191970 |
snow | #fffafa |
cyan | #00ffff |
indigo | #4b0082 |
mintcream | #f5fffa |
springgreen | #00ff7f |
darkblue | #00008b |
ivory | #fffff0 |
mistyrose | #ffe4e1 |
steelblue | #4682b4 |
darkcyan | #008b8b |
khaki | #f0e68c |
moccasin | #ffe4b5 |
tan | #d2b48c |
darkgoldenrod | #b8860b |
lavender | #e6e6fa |
navajowhite | #ffdead |
teal | #008080 |
darkgray | #a9a9a9 |
lavenderblush | #fff0f5 |
navy | #000080 |
thistle | #d8bfd8 |
darkgreen | #006400 |
lawngreen | #7cfc00 |
oldlace | #fdf5e6 |
tomato | #ff6347 |
darkkhaki | #bdb76b |
lemonchiffon | #fffacd |
olive | #808000 |
turquoise | #40e0d0 |
darkmagenta | #8b008b |
lightblue | #add8e6 |
olivedrab | #6b8e23 |
violet | #ee82ee |
darkolivegreen | #556b2f |
lightcoral | #f08080 |
orange | #ffa500 |
violetred | #d02090 |
darkorange | #ff8c00 |
lightcyan | #e0ffff |
orangered | #ff4500 |
wheat | #f5deb3 |
darkorchid | #9932cc |
lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 |
orchid | #da70d6 |
white | #ffffff |
darkred | #8b0000 |
lightgray | #d3d3d3 |
palegoldenrod | #eee8aa |
whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 |
darksalmon | #e9967a |
lightgreen | #90ee90 |
palegreen | #98fb98 |
yellow | #ffff00 |
darkseagreen | #8fbc8f |
lightpink | #ffb6c1 |
paleturquoise | #afeeee |
yellowgreen | #9acd32 |
darkslateblue | #483d8b |
lightsalmon | #ffa07a |
palevioletred | #d87093 |
windowtext | #000000 |
darkslategray | #2f4f4f |
lightseagreen | #20b2aa |
papayawhip | #ffefd5 |
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.HomeTabItemId.ChangeFontName, 'Arial');
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.HomeTabCommandId.ChangeStyle, 'PS-heading 1');
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.TableDesignTabCommandId.ChangeTableStyle, 'Plain Table 1');
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.TableDesignTabCommandId.ChangeTableRepositoryItemBorderStyle, 'Dotted');
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.TableDesignTabCommandId.ChangeTableRepositoryItemBorderWidth, richEdit.unitConverter.pointsToTwips(0.75));
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.FloatingObjectsFormatTabCommandId.ChangeFloatingObjectOutlineWidth, 15);
richEdit.executeCommand(DevExpress.RichEdit.PageLayoutTabCommandId.ChangePageColor, '#ff7f50');
#exportToArrayBuffer(callback) Method
Exports the current document to an ArrayBuffer object.
callback: (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => void,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (buffer: Array |
A function that gets the Array |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
The exportToArrayBuffer method exports the current document to an ArrayBuffer object. Use the documentFormat parameter to specify the document’s format. After export, the control calls the callback function and sends the ArrayBuffer object there as a parameter.
#exportToBase64(callback) Method
Exports the current document to base64.
callback: (base64: string) => void,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (base64: string) => void | A function that gets the base64 string as a parameter. |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
The exportToBase64 method exports the current document to a base64 string. Use the documentFormat parameter to specify the document’s format. After export, the control calls the callback function and sends the base64 string there as a parameter.
#exportToBlob(callback) Method
Exports the current document to a blob.
callback: (blob: Blob) => void,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (blob: Blob) => void | A function that gets the blob as a parameter. |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
The exportToBlob method exports the current document to a binary large object (blob). Use the documentFormat parameter to specify the document’s format. After export, the control calls the callback function and sends the blob there as a parameter.
#exportToFile(callback) Method
Exports the current document to a file object.
callback: (file: File) => void,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (file: File) => void | A function that gets the exported file as a parameter. |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
The exportToFile method exports the current document to a file object. Use the documentFormat parameter to specify the document’s format. After export, the control calls the callback function and sends the file there as a parameter.
The code sample below exports the document content to a file and inserts it in the current position.
file, DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml, function (interval, success){
if (success)
console.log('Inserted interval [' + interval.start + ', ' + interval.end + ']');
}, DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
#exportToPdf Method
Exports the current document to a PDF and invokes the PdfExporting event.
exportToPdf(documentName?: string, options?: ((pdfDocument: any) => void) | {
modifyPdfDocument?: (pdfDocument: any) => void;
modifyPdfPage?: (pdfDocument: any) => void;
}): void
Name | Type | Description |
document |
string | The name of the exported document. |
options | (pdf |
A function that allows you to modify the PDF document before it is downloaded; or an object that contains modify |
The exportToPdf method exports the current document to the Portable Document Format (PDF). You can write a function to modify each page after it is exported (modifyPdfPage), or modify the document after the export is completed (modifyPdfDocument).
The pdfDocument parameter is an object of the PDFKit library. If an export fails, the parameter returns null
The control invokes the PdfExporting event. Handle it to process (for instance, to save) the exported document. To access the PDF file, use the base64, blob, or blobStream parameter.
If the PdfExporting event is not handled (the handled property is not set to true
), you can use the ExportUrl(String) property to process a document on the server side.
If you use the export
Use the download
#focus Method
Sets input focus to the RichEdit.
focus(): void
var subDocument = richEdit.selection.activeSubDocument;
var position =;
var templateText = '[Type your text here]';
position = subDocument.insertParagraph(position).interval.end;
position = subDocument.insertParagraph(position).interval.end;
position = subDocument.insertText(position, 'Dear Mr Stanley,').end;
position = subDocument.insertParagraph(position).interval.end;
var tmpTextInterval = subDocument.insertText(position, templateText);
position = tmpTextInterval.end;
position = subDocument.insertParagraph(position).interval.end;
#getCommandState(commandId) Method
Returns the state of the command.
commandId: CommandId
): CommandState
Name | Type | Description |
command |
Command |
The command identifier. |
Type | Description |
Command |
An object that contains the command’s state. |
var currentFontColor = richEdit.getCommandState(DevExpress.RichEdit.HomeTabCommandId.ChangeFontForeColor).value;
#mailMerge(callback) Method
Merges the bound data to a document template and executes a callback function.
callback: (blob: Blob) => void,
mergeMode?: MergeMode,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat,
exportFrom?: number,
exportRecordsCount?: number
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (blob: Blob) => void | A function that is called when the merged document is ready. |
merge |
Merge |
The delimiter that starts the new merged range. |
document |
Document |
The exported document format. |
export |
number | The number of the first exported record in a data source. |
export |
number | The number of records to export. |
The code sample below demonstrates how to executes the mail merge and load the resulting document to the Rich Text Editor.
var format = DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
var newDataSource = [
{ firstName: "Alex", birthYear: 1991 },
{ firstName: "Joe", birthYear: 1990 },
{ firstName: "Bob", birthYear: 1995 }
richEdit.document.insertText(richEdit.document.length, 'FirstName: ');
richEdit.document.fields.createMergeField(richEdit.document.length, "firstName");
richEdit.mailMerge(function (mergedDocument) {
richEdit.openDocument(mergedDocument, "MergedDocument", format);
}, DevExpress.RichEdit.MergeMode.NewParagraph, format);
#newDocument Method
Creates and opens a new document.
newDocument(): void
#openDocument Method
Opens the specified document or the Open dialog.
fileContent?: File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | string,
documentName?: string,
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat,
callback?: (importSuccess: boolean) => void
): void
Name | Type | Description |
file |
string | File | Blob | Array |
A file content. |
document |
string | A file name, that is assigned to the document |
document |
Document |
A document format. This property is used when the base64 parameter does not contain information about a MIME type. If both values are specified, an exception is thrown. |
callback | (import |
A function that is called after a document is opened and allows you to react to an attempt to open an invalid document. If this parameter is not specified and the opened file is not valid, the Rich |
- Call the method with parameters to open a particular document.
var documentAsBase64 = "e1xydGYxXGRlZmYwe1xmb250dGJse1xmMCBDYWxpYnJpO319e1xjb2xvcnRibCA7XHJlZDB" + "cZ3JlZW4wXGJsdWUyNTUgO1xyZWQyNTVcZ3JlZW4yNTVcYmx1ZTI1NSA7fXtcKlxkZWZjaHAgXGZzMjJ9e1xzdHl" + "sZXNoZWV0IHtccWxcZnMyMiBOb3JtYWw7fXtcKlxjczFcZnMyMiBEZWZhdWx0IFBhcmFncmFwaCBGb250O317XCp" + "cY3MyXGZzMjJcY2YxIEh5cGVybGluazt9e1wqXHRzM1x0c3Jvd2RcZnMyMlxxbFx0c3ZlcnRhbHRcdHNjZWxsY2J" + "wYXQyXHRzY2VsbHBjdDBcY2x0eGxydGIgTm9ybWFsIFRhYmxlO319e1wqXGxpc3RvdmVycmlkZXRhYmxlfXtcaW5" + "mb31cbm91aWNvbXBhdFxzcGx5dHduaW5lXGh0bWF1dHNwXGV4cHNocnRuXHNwbHRwZ3BhclxkZWZ0YWI3MjBcc2V" + "jdGRcbWFyZ2xzeG4xNDQwXG1hcmdyc3huMTQ0MFxtYXJndHN4bjE0NDBcbWFyZ2JzeG4xNDQwXGhlYWRlcnk3MjB" + "cZm9vdGVyeTcyMFxwZ3dzeG4xMjI0MFxwZ2hzeG4xNTg0MFxjb2xzMVxjb2xzeDcyMFxwYXJkXHBsYWluXHFse1x" + "mczIyXGNmMFxjczEgRG9jdW1lbnQgdGV4dH1cZnMyMlxjZjBccGFyfQ=="; richEdit.openDocument(documentAsBase64, "DocumentName", DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.Rtf);
- Call the method without parameters to invoke the Open dialog.
If the opened file is not valid, the RichEdit opens a new document.
#printDocument Method
Invokes a browser-specific Print dialog that can be used to print the current document.
mode?: PrintMode | IPrintingSettings
): void
Name | Type | Description |
mode | IPrinting |
A print mode or an interface that declares print settings. |
If the mode parameter is not specified, the RichEdit prints a document in a mode set by the printMode property.
If you print a document in PDF printing mode, you should provide a list of available fonts and their sources to be uploaded to the client, and register the pdfkit library on your page.
#saveDocument Method
Invokes the Saving event.
documentFormat?: DocumentFormat,
reason?: string,
documentName?: string
): void
Name | Type | Description |
document |
Document |
The document format. |
reason | string | A value that identifies the reason why the document saving process starts. |
document |
string | The name of the saved document. |
When the saveDocument method is called, the Rich Text Editor converts the document’s content to base64 and invokes the Saving event. Write the event handler to save the document on the client. Set the handled property to true to prevent further processing., e) {
e.handled = true;
// ...
If the handled property is not set to true (the event is not handled), specify the ExportUrl(String) property to save the document on the server.
If a document has no unsaved changes, the saveDocument method does not invoke the Saving event. To invoke the event for an unchanged document, set the hasUnsavedChanges property to true
richEdit.hasUnsavedChanges = true;
#setCommandEnabled(command, enabled) Method
Sets the command’s availability.
command: RibbonItemId | CommandId,
enabled: boolean
): void
Name | Type | Description |
command | Command |
The command identifier. |
enabled | boolean | true to enable the command; false to disable the command. |
var ribbonButton = new DevExpress.RichEdit.RibbonButtonItem("sendEmail", "Send Email",
{ icon: "email", showText: true, beginGroup: true });
richEdit.setCommandEnabled("sendEmail", false);
richEdit.setCommandEnabled(DevExpress.RichEdit.InsertTabCommandId.ShowInsertTableDialog, false);
richEdit.setCommandEnabled(DevExpress.RichEdit.InsertTabItemId.ShowBookmarkDialog, false);
#updateRibbon(callback) Method
Updates the RichEdit ribbon on the client side.
callback: (ribbon: Ribbon) => void
): void
Name | Type | Description |
callback | (ribbon: Ribbon) => void | A function that updates the ribbon. |
The ribbon consist of tabs. The RibbonTabType enum has identifiers of all build-in tabs. Pass a tab’s identifier to the getTab(id) method to get the tab.
A tab contains various items. Call a tab’s getItem(id) method to get the tab’s item by its identifier. Use the RibbonItemId type to access item identifiers.
var commandId = "MailMergeSwitch";
var showMailMergeResult = false;
var templateDocument = null;
var format = DevExpress.RichEdit.DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
var newDataSource = [
{ firstName: "Alex", birthYear: 1991 },
{ firstName: "Joe", birthYear: 1990 },
{ firstName: "Bob", birthYear: 1995 }
var showTemplateDocument = function() {
showMailMergeResult = !showMailMergeResult;
richEdit.openDocument(templateDocument, "TemplateDocument", format);
var showResultDocument = function() {;
richEdit.exportToBase64(function(documentAsBase64) {
templateDocument = documentAsBase64;
richEdit.mailMerge(function (mergedDocument) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
showMailMergeResult = !showMailMergeResult;
richEdit.openDocument(reader.result, "MergedDocument", format);
}, DevExpress.RichEdit.MergeMode.NewParagraph, format);
};, e) {
if (e.commandName == commandId)
if (showMailMergeResult)
richEdit.document.insertText(richEdit.document.length, 'You can change template as you want.');
richEdit.document.insertText(richEdit.document.length, 'FirstName: ');
richEdit.document.fields.createMergeField(richEdit.document.length, "firstName").update();
richEdit.documentName = "TemplateDocument";
richEdit.updateRibbon(function(ribbon) {
if (!ribbon.getTab(DevExpress.RichEdit.RibbonTabType.MailMerge).getItem(commandId))
.insertItem(new DevExpress.RichEdit.RibbonButtonItem(commandId, "Switch document"), 0);
ribbon.activeTabIndex = DevExpress.RichEdit.RibbonTabType.MailMerge;