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ISpellCheck Interface

Declares spell checking settings.


export interface ISpellCheck
See Also


addWordToDictionary Property

Specifies a function that is called when a user clicks the Add to Dictionary context menu command.


addWordToDictionary?: (word: string) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(word: string) => void

A function that adds the selected word to the dictionary.

checkWordSpelling Property

Specifies the function that checks a word.


checkWordSpelling?: (word: string, callback: (isCorrect: boolean, suggestions: string[]) => void) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(word: string, callback: (isCorrect: boolean, suggestions: string[]) => void) => void

A function that checks the selected word and then calls the callback function. The isCorrect parameter specifies whether the word is correct and the suggestions parameter lists alternatives.

enabled Property

Specifies whether the spell checking is enabled in the RichEdit control.


enabled?: boolean

Property Value

Type Description

true to enable spell check; otherwise, false.

suggestionCount Property

The maximum number of suggested words that can be displayed in the context menu.


suggestionCount?: number

Property Value

Type Description

The number of words.