IParagraphProperties Interface
Declares paragraph properties.
export interface IParagraphProperties
alignment Property
Specifies the paragraph alignment.
alignment?: ParagraphAlignment
Property Value
Type | Description |
ParagraphAlignment | The paragraph alignment. |
backColor Property
Specifies the paragraph background color.
backColor?: string
Property Value
Type | Description |
string | The background color. |
The following color formats are available:
values.- Hexadecimal notation (for example,
). - RGB format (for example,
). - Named colors (for example,
Name | HEX | Name | HEX | Name | HEX | Name | HEX |
aliceblue | #f0f8ff |
darkturquoise | #00ced1 |
lightskyblue | #87cefa |
peachpuff | #ffdab9 |
antiquewhite | #faebd7 |
darkviolet | #9400d3 |
lightslateblue | #8470ff |
peru | #cd853f |
aqua | #00ffff |
deeppink | #ff1493 |
lightslategray | #778899 |
pink | #ffc0cb |
aquamarine | #7fffd4 |
deepskyblue | #00bfff |
lightsteelblue | #b0c4de |
plum | #dda0dd |
azure | #f0ffff |
dimgray | #696969 |
lightyellow | #ffffe0 |
powderblue | #b0e0e6 |
beige | #f5f5dc |
dodgerblue | #1e90ff |
lime | #00ff00 |
purple | #800080 |
bisque | #ffe4c4 |
feldspar | #d19275 |
limegreen | #32cd32 |
red | #ff0000 |
black | #000000 |
firebrick | #b22222 |
linen | #faf0e6 |
rosybrown | #bc8f8f |
blanchedalmond | #ffebcd |
floralwhite | #fffaf0 |
magenta | #ff00ff |
royalblue | #4169e1 |
blue | #0000ff |
forestgreen | #228b22 |
maroon | #800000 |
saddlebrown | #8b4513 |
blueviolet | #8a2be2 |
fuchsia | #ff00ff |
mediumaquamarine | #66cdaa |
salmon | #fa8072 |
brown | #a52a2a |
gainsboro | #dcdcdc |
mediumblue | #0000cd |
sandybrown | #f4a460 |
burlywood | #deb887 |
ghostwhite | #f8f8ff |
mediumorchid | #ba55d3 |
seagreen | #2e8b57 |
cadetblue | #5f9ea0 |
gold | #ffd700 |
mediumpurple | #9370d8 |
seashell | #fff5ee |
chartreuse | #7fff00 |
goldenrod | #daa520 |
mediumseagreen | #3cb371 |
sienna | #a0522d |
chocolate | #d2691e |
gray | #808080 |
mediumslateblue | #7b68ee |
silver | #c0c0c0 |
coral | #ff7f50 |
green | #00ff00 |
mediumspringgreen | #00fa9a |
skyblue | #87ceeb |
cornflowerblue | #6495ed |
honeydew | #f0fff0 |
mediumturquoise | #48d1cc |
slateblue | #6a5acd |
cornsilk | #fff8dc |
hotpink | #ff69b4 |
mediumvioletred | #c71585 |
slategray | #708090 |
crimson | #dc143c |
indianred | #cd5c5c |
midnightblue | #191970 |
snow | #fffafa |
cyan | #00ffff |
indigo | #4b0082 |
mintcream | #f5fffa |
springgreen | #00ff7f |
darkblue | #00008b |
ivory | #fffff0 |
mistyrose | #ffe4e1 |
steelblue | #4682b4 |
darkcyan | #008b8b |
khaki | #f0e68c |
moccasin | #ffe4b5 |
tan | #d2b48c |
darkgoldenrod | #b8860b |
lavender | #e6e6fa |
navajowhite | #ffdead |
teal | #008080 |
darkgray | #a9a9a9 |
lavenderblush | #fff0f5 |
navy | #000080 |
thistle | #d8bfd8 |
darkgreen | #006400 |
lawngreen | #7cfc00 |
oldlace | #fdf5e6 |
tomato | #ff6347 |
darkkhaki | #bdb76b |
lemonchiffon | #fffacd |
olive | #808000 |
turquoise | #40e0d0 |
darkmagenta | #8b008b |
lightblue | #add8e6 |
olivedrab | #6b8e23 |
violet | #ee82ee |
darkolivegreen | #556b2f |
lightcoral | #f08080 |
orange | #ffa500 |
violetred | #d02090 |
darkorange | #ff8c00 |
lightcyan | #e0ffff |
orangered | #ff4500 |
wheat | #f5deb3 |
darkorchid | #9932cc |
lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 |
orchid | #da70d6 |
white | #ffffff |
darkred | #8b0000 |
lightgray | #d3d3d3 |
palegoldenrod | #eee8aa |
whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 |
darksalmon | #e9967a |
lightgreen | #90ee90 |
palegreen | #98fb98 |
yellow | #ffff00 |
darkseagreen | #8fbc8f |
lightpink | #ffb6c1 |
paleturquoise | #afeeee |
yellowgreen | #9acd32 |
darkslateblue | #483d8b |
lightsalmon | #ffa07a |
palevioletred | #d87093 |
windowtext | #000000 |
darkslategray | #2f4f4f |
lightseagreen | #20b2aa |
papayawhip | #ffefd5 |
contextualSpacing Property
Specifies whether to remove an additional space (contextual spacing) between paragraphs of the same style.
contextualSpacing?: boolean
Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean | true to remove extra space between paragraphs, false to add extra space. |
To mark the change from one paragraph to another, the line spacing is increased. To prevent this behavior, set the contextualSpacing to true.
firstLineIndent Property
Specifies the indent for the first line in a paragraph.
firstLineIndent?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The indent for the first line, in twips. |
If the firstLineIndentType property is set to a value different from None, the indent value of a paragraph is specified by its firstLineIndent property.
firstLineIndentType Property
Specifies whether and how the first line in a paragraph is indented.
firstLineIndentType?: ParagraphFirstLineIndent
Property Value
Type | Description |
ParagraphFirstLineIndent | The first line’s indent. |
If the firstLineIndentType property is set to a value different from None, the indent value of a paragraph is specified by its firstLineIndent property.
keepLinesTogether Property
Specifies whether all lines in a paragraph should appear on the same page.
keepLinesTogether?: boolean
Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean | true, to keep paragraph lines together; otherwise, false. |
Set the keepLinesTogether property to true to prevent all page breaks that interrupt a paragraph. If paragraph lines do not fit on the current page, the whole paragraph is moved to the next page.
leftIndent Property
Specifies the left indent for a paragraph.
leftIndent?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The left indent, in twips, or |
lineSpacing Property
Specifies a line spacing value.
lineSpacing?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The line spacing, in twips, or |
lineSpacingType Property
Specifies the type of spacing between lines in a paragraph.
lineSpacingType?: ParagraphLineSpacingType
Property Value
Type | Description |
ParagraphLineSpacingType | The line spacing type. |
outlineLevel Property
Specifies the outline level of a paragraph.
outlineLevel?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The level number, or |
pageBreakBefore Property
Specifies whether to insert a page break before a paragraph.
pageBreakBefore?: boolean
Property Value
Type | Description |
boolean | true if a page break is inserted before a paragraph; otherwise, false or |
rightIndent Property
Specifies the right indent for a paragraph.
rightIndent?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The right indent, in twips, or |
spacingAfter Property
Specifies the spacing after a paragraph.
spacingAfter?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The spacing after a paragraph, in twips, or |
spacingBefore Property
Specifies the spacing before a paragraph.
spacingBefore?: number
Property Value
Type | Description |
number | The spacing before a paragraph, in twips, or |