History Class
Contains methods related to Rich Text Editor history.
export class History
An object of the History class can be accessed by the history property.
#beginTransaction Method
Specifies that the following actions should be saved as a single history transaction.
beginTransaction(): void
Use the beginTransaction and endTransaction methods to process several actions as a single history transaction.
var subDocument = richEdit.selection.activeSubDocument;
var position = richEdit.selection.active;
var columnCount = 5;
var rowCount = 5;
var table = subDocument.tables.create(position, columnCount, rowCount);
for (var rowInd = 0, row; row = table.rows.getByIndex(rowInd); rowInd++) {
for (var cellInd = 0, cell; cell = row.cells.getByIndex(cellInd); cellInd++) {
subDocument.insertText(cell.interval.start, "Row[" + rowInd + "].Cell[" + cellInd + "]");
#clear Method
Clears the editor history.
clear(): void
#endTransaction Method
Ends a history transaction.
endTransaction(): void
Use the beginTransaction and endTransaction methods to process several actions as a single history transaction.
#redo Method
Redoes the last undone action in the Rich Text Editor.
redo(): void
#undo Method
Undoes the last action in the Rich Text Editor.
undo(): void