BorderLineStyle Enum
Lists border line styles.
export enum BorderLineStyle {
Nil = -1,
None = 0,
Single = 1,
Thick = 2,
Double = 3,
Dotted = 4,
Dashed = 5,
DotDash = 6,
DotDotDash = 7,
Triple = 8,
ThinThickSmallGap = 9,
ThickThinSmallGap = 10,
ThinThickThinSmallGap = 11,
ThinThickMediumGap = 12,
ThickThinMediumGap = 13,
ThinThickThinMediumGap = 14,
ThinThickLargeGap = 15,
ThickThinLargeGap = 16,
ThinThickThinLargeGap = 17,
Wave = 18,
DoubleWave = 19,
DashSmallGap = 20,
DashDotStroked = 21,
ThreeDEmboss = 22,
ThreeDEngrave = 23,
Outset = 24,
Inset = 25,
Apples = 26,
ArchedScallops = 27,
BabyPacifier = 28,
BabyRattle = 29,
Balloons3Colors = 30,
BalloonsHotAir = 31,
BasicBlackDashes = 32,
BasicBlackDots = 33,
BasicBlackSquares = 34,
BasicThinLines = 35,
BasicWhiteDashes = 36,
BasicWhiteDots = 37,
BasicWhiteSquares = 38,
BasicWideInline = 39,
BasicWideMidline = 40,
BasicWideOutline = 41,
Bats = 42,
Birds = 43,
BirdsFlight = 44,
Cabins = 45,
CakeSlice = 46,
CandyCorn = 47,
CelticKnotwork = 48,
CertificateBanner = 49,
ChainLink = 50,
ChampagneBottle = 51,
CheckedBarBlack = 52,
CheckedBarColor = 53,
Checkered = 54,
ChristmasTree = 55,
CirclesLines = 56,
CirclesRectangles = 57,
ClassicalWave = 58,
Clocks = 59,
Compass = 60,
Confetti = 61,
ConfettiGrays = 62,
ConfettiOutline = 63,
ConfettiStreamers = 64,
ConfettiWhite = 65,
CornerTriangles = 66,
CouponCutoutDashes = 67,
CouponCutoutDots = 68,
CrazyMaze = 69,
CreaturesButterfly = 70,
CreaturesFish = 71,
CreaturesInsects = 72,
CreaturesLadyBug = 73,
CrossStitch = 74,
Cup = 75,
DecoArch = 76,
DecoArchColor = 77,
DecoBlocks = 78,
DiamondsGray = 79,
DoubleD = 80,
DoubleDiamonds = 81,
Earth1 = 82,
Earth2 = 83,
EclipsingSquares1 = 84,
EclipsingSquares2 = 85,
EggsBlack = 86,
Fans = 87,
Film = 88,
Firecrackers = 89,
FlowersBlockPrint = 90,
FlowersDaisies = 91,
FlowersModern1 = 92,
FlowersModern2 = 93,
FlowersPansy = 94,
FlowersRedRose = 95,
FlowersRoses = 96,
FlowersTeacup = 97,
FlowersTiny = 98,
Gems = 99,
GingerbreadMan = 100,
Gradient = 101,
Handmade1 = 102,
Handmade2 = 103,
HeartBalloon = 104,
HeartGray = 105,
Hearts = 106,
HeebieJeebies = 107,
Holly = 108,
HouseFunky = 109,
Hypnotic = 110,
IceCreamCones = 111,
LightBulb = 112,
Lightning1 = 113,
Lightning2 = 114,
MapleLeaf = 115,
MapleMuffins = 116,
MapPins = 117,
Marquee = 118,
MarqueeToothed = 119,
Moons = 120,
Mosaic = 121,
MusicNotes = 122,
Northwest = 123,
Ovals = 124,
Packages = 125,
PalmsBlack = 126,
PalmsColor = 127,
PaperClips = 128,
Papyrus = 129,
PartyFavor = 130,
PartyGlass = 131,
Pencils = 132,
People = 133,
PeopleHats = 134,
PeopleWaving = 135,
Poinsettias = 136,
PostageStamp = 137,
Pumpkin1 = 138,
PushPinNote1 = 139,
PushPinNote2 = 140,
Pyramids = 141,
PyramidsAbove = 142,
Quadrants = 143,
Rings = 144,
Safari = 145,
Sawtooth = 146,
SawtoothGray = 147,
ScaredCat = 148,
Seattle = 149,
ShadowedSquares = 150,
SharksTeeth = 151,
ShorebirdTracks = 152,
Skyrocket = 153,
SnowflakeFancy = 154,
Snowflakes = 155,
Sombrero = 156,
Southwest = 157,
Stars = 158,
Stars3d = 159,
StarsBlack = 160,
StarsShadowed = 161,
StarsTop = 162,
Sun = 163,
Swirligig = 164,
TornPaper = 165,
TornPaperBlack = 166,
Trees = 167,
TriangleParty = 168,
Triangles = 169,
Tribal1 = 170,
Tribal2 = 171,
Tribal3 = 172,
Tribal4 = 173,
Tribal5 = 174,
Tribal6 = 175,
TwistedLines1 = 176,
TwistedLines2 = 177,
Vine = 178,
Waveline = 179,
WeavingAngles = 180,
WeavingBraid = 181,
WeavingRibbon = 182,
WeavingStrips = 183,
WhiteFlowers = 184,
Woodwork = 185,
XIllusions = 186,
ZanyTriangles = 187,
ZigZag = 188,
ZigZagStitch = 189
Name | Description |
The Apples art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Arched Scallops art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Baby Pacifier art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Baby Rattle art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Three Color Balloons art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Hot Air Balloons art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black Dash art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black Dot art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black Square art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Thin Line art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The White Dash art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The White Dot art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The White Square art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Wide Inline art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Wide Midline art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Wide Outline art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Bats art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Birds art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Birds Flying art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Cabin art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Cake art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Candy Corn art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Knot Work art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Certificate Banner art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Chain Link art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Champagne Bottle art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black and White Bar art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Color Checked Bar art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Checkerboard art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Christmas Tree art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Circles and Lines art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Circles and Rectangles art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Wave art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Clocks art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Compass art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Confetti art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Confetti art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Confetti art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Confetti Streamers art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Confetti art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Corner Triangle art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Dashed Line art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Dotted Line art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Maze art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Butterfly art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Fish art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Insects art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Ladybug art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Cross-stitch art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Cupid art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The series of alternating thin and thick strokes. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin dashed line. |
The thin dashed line with a small gap between dashes. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Archway art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Color Archway art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Blocks art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Gray Diamond art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin dash-dotted line. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin dash-dot-dotted line. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin dotted line. |
The double line. |
The Double D art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Diamond art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The double wavy line. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Earth art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Earth art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Shadowed Square art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Shadowed Square art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Painted Egg art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Fans art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Film Reel art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Firecracker art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Flowers art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Daisy art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Flowers art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Flowers art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pansy art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Red Rose art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Roses art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Flowers in a Teacup art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Small Flower art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Gems art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Gingerbread Man art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Triangle Gradient art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Handmade art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Handmade art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Heart-Shaped Balloon art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Gray Heart art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Hearts art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pattern art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Holly art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The House art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Circular art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Ice Cream Cone art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The sunken border. Browsers do not support this border style and display the border as two thin solid lines. |
The Light Bulb art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Lightning art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Lightning art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Map Pins art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Maple Leaf art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Muffin art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Marquee art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Marquee art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Moon art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Mosaic art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Musical Note art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The border is hidden. |
The border is hidden. |
The Patterned art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The raised border. Browsers do not support this border style and display the border as two thin solid lines. |
The Oval art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Package art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black Palm Tree art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Color Palm Tree art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Paper Clip art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Papyrus art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Party Favor art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Party Glass art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pencils art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Character art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Character With Hat art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Waving Character art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Poinsettia art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Postage Stamp art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pumpkin art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Push Pin art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Push Pin art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pyramid art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Pyramid art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Quadrants art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Rings art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Safari art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Saw tooth art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Gray Saw tooth art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Scared Cat art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Umbrella art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Shadowed Squares art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Shark Tooth art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Bird Tracks art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin solid line. |
The Rocket art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Snowflake art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Snowflake art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Sombrero art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Southwest-themed art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Stars art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The 3D Stars art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Stars art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Stars With Shadows art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Stars on Top art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Sun art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Whirligig art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thick solid line. |
A thick line surrounded by a thin line with a large gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
A thick line surrounded by a thin line with a medium gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
A thick line surrounded by a thin line with a small gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
A thin line surrounded by a thick line with a large gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
A thin line surrounded by a thick line with a medium gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display display the border as a thick solid line. |
A thin line surrounded by a thick line with a small gap between them. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
A thin line surrounded by two thick lines with a large gap between all lines. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin line surrounded with two thick lines with a medium gap between all lines. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The thin line surrounded with two thick lines with a small gap between all lines. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
Three staged gradient lines that get darker towards the cell. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
Three staged gradient lines that get darker away from the cell. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Torn Paper art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Black Torn Paper art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tree art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Triangle art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Triangles art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal Two art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal Three art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal Four art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal Five art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Tribal Six art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The triple line. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Twisted Lines art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Twisted Lines art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Vine art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The wavy line. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Wavy Line art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Weaving Angles art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Weaving Braid art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Weaving Ribbon art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Weaving Strips art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The White Flowers art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Woodwork art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Crisscross art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Triangle art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Zigzag art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
The Zigzag stitch art border. Browsers do not support this border style and display it as the |
Use the Table.borders property to access table borders and customize their settings. The TableCell.borders property allows you to access and customize cell borders.
Cell border settings take priority over table border settings.
The following code example customizes table and cell borders:
const subDocument = richEdit.selection.activeSubDocument;
const table = subDocument.tables.getByIndex(0);
const outerBorder = {style: 1, width: 30, color: '#4974a5'};
const innerBorder = {style: 4, width: 15, color: '#d3d3d3'};
table.borders = { bottom: outerBorder, top: outerBorder, left: outerBorder, right: outerBorder,
insideHorizontal: innerBorder, insideVertical: innerBorder};
const cell = table.rows.getByIndex(1).cells.getByIndex(0);
cell.borders = { top: { style: 5, color: 'blue', width: 20} }