DevExpress.RichEdit Module
Contains classes that implement the RichEdit client-side functionality.
Name | Description |
ActiveSubDocumentChangedEvent | An event that occurs when an active sub document is changed. |
AuthenticationOptions | Contains credentials used to identify editable ranges in a protected document. |
AutoCorrectEvent | An event that occurs when text is typed in the control. |
AutoCorrectEventArgs | Contains data for the AutoCorrect event. |
Bookmark | A bookmark in the document. |
BookmarkBase | A bookmark in the document. |
BookmarkCollection<TBookmark> | A collection of Bookmark objects. |
BookmarkCollectionBase | A collection of Bookmark objects. |
CalculateDocumentVariableAsyncEvent | An event that allows you to update the results of all DOCVARIABLE fields in the document. |
CalculateDocumentVariableAsyncEventArgs | Contains data for the CalculateDocumentVariableAsync event. |
CalculateDocumentVariableEvent | An event that occurs when a DOCVARIABLE field is updated. |
CalculateDocumentVariableEventArgs | Contains data for the CalculateDocumentVariable event. |
CharacterProperties | Contains character properties. |
CharacterPropertiesChangedEvent | An event that occurs when the characters’ formatting is changed. |
Characters | Contains properties that return the Rich Text Editor’s escape sequences. |
Collection<T> | Serves as a base for classes maintaining a collection of items. |
CommandState | Contains a command’s state. |
CommandStateChangedEvent | An event that occurs after a command state has been changed. |
CommandStateChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the CommandStateChanged event. |
ContentChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the CharacterPropertiesChanged and ContentInserted events. |
ContentInsertedEvent | An event that occurs when content is inserted into the document. |
ContentRemovedEvent | An event that occurs when content is removed from the document. |
ContentRemovedEventArgs | Contains data for the ContentRemoved event. |
ContextMenuItem | A context menu item. |
ContextMenuShowingEvent | An event that occurs before a context menu is displayed. |
ContextMenuShowingEventArgs | Contains data for the ContextMenuShowing event. |
CustomCommandExecutedEvent | An event that occurs after a custom command has been executed on the client side. |
CustomCommandExecutedEventArgs | Contains data for the CustomCommandExecuted event. |
DocumentChangedEvent | An event that occurs if any change is made in the document. |
DocumentFormattedEvent | An event that occurs when a document layout is formatted. |
DocumentFormattedEventArgs | Contains data for the DocumentFormatted event. |
DocumentLoadedEvent | An event that occurs when a document model is loaded into the control. |
DocumentProcessor | A non-visual object that allows you to access and customize a document via code. |
DocumentProcessorBase | Implements the base functionality of a document processor. |
DocumentVariableData | Contains DOCVARIABLE field data. |
Event<TSource, TEventArgs> | The event object used for client-side events. |
EventArgs | The base class for arguments of the Rich Text Editor’ client-side events. |
Events | Contains a list of client-side events for the RichEdit control. |
Field | Defines a field in the document. |
FieldCollection | A collection of the Field objects. |
FloatingImage | Contains settings of a floating image in the Rich Text Editor. |
Font | Defines a font in the document. |
FontCollection | A collection of the Font objects. |
GotFocusEvent | An event that occurs when the control receives focus. |
History | Contains methods related to Rich Text Editor history. |
HorizontalAbsolutePosition | Contains information about a floating object’s horizontal position. The position is specified in twips relative to an anchor element. |
HorizontalAlignedPosition | Contains information about a floating object’s horizontal position that is aligned to an anchor element. |
HorizontalRelativePosition | Contains information about a floating object’s horizontal position specified as a percentage relative to an anchor element. |
HorizontalRulerVisibleChangedEvent | |
HorizontalRulerVisibleChangedEventArgs | |
Hyperlink | Defines a hyperlink in the document. |
HyperlinkClickEvent | An event that occurs when a hyperlink is clicked. |
HyperlinkClickEventArgs | Contains data for the HyperlinkClick event. |
HyperlinkCollection | A collection of the Hyperlink objects. |
HyperlinkInfo | Contains information about a hyperlink. |
Image | Implements the base functionality of an image object. |
ImageIterator | Allows you to iterate over an image collection. |
Images | Contains members that allow you to manage document images. |
InlineImage | Contains settings of an inline image in the Rich Text Editor. |
Interval | Contains settings for a text interval. |
KeyboardEventArgs | Contains data for the KeyDown and KeyUp events. |
KeyDownEvent | An event that occurs when a key is pressed while the RichEdit’s document has focus. |
KeyUpEvent | An event that occurs when a key is released while the RichEdit’s document has focus. |
List | Defines a list in the document. |
ListCollection | A collection of the List objects. |
ListLevelSettings | Contains the list level’s properties. |
LoadingPanel | Contains settings related to loading panel functionality. |
LostFocusEvent | An event that occurs when the control loses focus. |
MailMergeOptions | Contains properties related to the mail merge functionality. |
Margins | Contains margin settings. |
NusaSettings | Contains members that allow you to to bind the Rich Text Editor to the Nuance SpeechKit. |
Paddings | Contains padding settings. |
Paragraph | Defines a paragraph in the document. |
ParagraphCollection | A collection of the Paragraph objects. |
ParagraphProperties | Contains paragraph properties. |
ParagraphPropertiesChangedEvent | An event that occurs when a paragraph’s formatting is changed. |
ParagraphPropertiesChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the ParagraphPropertiesChanged event. |
PdfExportedEvent | An event that occurs after an exported PDF document has been processed on the server side. |
PdfExportedEventArgs | Contains data for the PdfExported event. |
PdfExportingEvent | An event that allows you to save an exported PDF document. |
PdfExportingEventArgs | Contains data for the PdfExporting event. |
PointerDownEvent | An event that occurs when a pointer becomes active. |
PointerEventArgs | Contains data for the PointerDown and PointerUp events. |
PointerUpEvent | An event that occurs when a pointer stops being active. |
RangePermission | A document range permission. |
RangePermissionCollection | A collection of RangePermission objects. |
RangePermissionOptions | Contains visual settings for a permitted range. |
Ribbon | Contains ribbon settings. |
RibbonButtonItem | A ribbon button item. |
RibbonColorBoxItem | A ribbon color box item. |
RibbonItemBase | The base class for ribbon items. |
RibbonMenuItem | A ribbon menu item. |
RibbonNumberBoxItem | A ribbon number box item. |
RibbonSelectBoxItem | A ribbon select box item. |
RibbonSubMenuItem | A ribbon sub-menu item. |
RibbonTab | A ribbon tab. |
RichEdit | A client-side Rich Text Editor object. |
RichEditDocument | Defines a document in the Rich Text Editor. |
RichEditDocumentBase | Defines a document in the Rich Text Editor. |
RichEditEvent<TEventArgs> | A base class for Rich Text Editor events. |
RichEditLayout | Contains settings of the Rich Text Editor’s layout. |
RichEditSelection | Contains a set of methods and properties to work with the document selection. |
SavedEvent | An event that occurs after a document is saved on the server side. |
SavedEventArgs | Contains data for the Saved event. |
SavingEvent | An event that allows you to save a document. |
SavingEventArgs | Contains data for the Saving event. |
Section | Defines a section in the document. |
SectionCollection | A collection of the Section objects. |
SelectionChangedEvent | An event that occurs when selection is changed in the document. |
ShortcutOptions | Contains a shortcut’s options. |
SimpleViewSettings | Contains the Simple view mode’s settings. |
Size | Contains height and width settings. |
SpellCheckerOptions | Contains spell check settings. |
SubDocument | Defines a sub-document in a document. |
SubDocumentBase | Defines a sub-document in a document. |
SubDocumentCollection<T> | A collection of SubDocument objects. |
SubDocumentCollectionBase | A collection of SubDocumentBase objects. |
Table | Defines a table in the document. |
TableBorder | Contains table border settings. |
TableBorders | Contains table borders. |
TableBordersBase | Defines the base API for classes that implement table borders. |
TableCell | Defines a table cell in the document. |
TableCellBorders | Contains cell borders. |
TableCellCollection | A collection of the TableCell objects. |
TableCollection | A collection of the Table objects. |
TableRow | Defines a table row in the document. |
TableRowCollection | A collection of the TableRow objects. |
TableStyleOptions | Contains table style options. |
UnitConverter | Contains methods to convert different units of measurement. |
UpdateFieldsOptions | Contains field update options. |
Utils | Contains Rich Text Editor utility methods. |
VerticalAbsolutePosition | Contains information about a floating object’s vertical position. The position is specified in twips relative to an anchor element. |
VerticalAlignedPosition | Contains information about a floating object’s vertical position that is aligned to an anchor element. |
VerticalRelativePosition | Contains information about a floating object’s vertical position specified as a percentage relative to an anchor element. |
Name | Description |
EventHandlers | Declares Rich Text Editor event handlers. |
IAuthenticationSettings | Declares credentials settings used to identify editable ranges in a protected document. |
IAutocorrectReplaceInfo | Declares replacement settings. |
IAutocorrectSettings | Declares autocorrect settings. |
IBookmarkSettings | Declares bookmark settings. |
ICharacterProperties | Declares character properties. |
IConfirmOnLosingChangesSettings | Declares settings of a confirmation message that is displayed when unsaved data changes may be lost. |
IContextMenu | Declares context menu settings and methods. |
IContextMenuItemOptions | Declares context menu item settings. |
ICustomLoadingPanel | Defines custom loading panel members. |
IFieldsSettings | Declares field settings. |
IFilePathInfo | Declares settings that contain information about a file path. |
IFloatingObjectDistance | Declares settings that specify the distance between the image borders and the text that wraps around it. |
IFontMapping | Declares font mapping settings. |
IFontMappingRule | Declares settings of a font mapping rule. |
IFontSettings | Declares a font’s settings. |
IHorizontalAbsolutePosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s horizontal position. |
IHorizontalAlignedPosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s horizontal position. |
IHorizontalRelativePosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s horizontal position. |
IInitDocumentProcessorOptions | Declares a document processor’s options. |
IInsertedFloatingImageOptions | Declares settings of a floating image. |
IInsertedInlineImageOptions | Declares settings of an inline image. |
IInterval | Defines settings for a text interval. |
IMailMergeSettings | Declares properties related to the mail merge functionality. |
IMargins | Declares margin settings. |
IPaddings | Declares padding settings. |
IParagraphProperties | Declares paragraph properties. |
IPrintingSettings | Declares print settings. |
IPrintLayoutViewSettings | Declares the Print Layout view mode’s settings. |
IRangePermissionSearchOptions | Declares options used to search range permissions by the find(options) method. |
IRangePermissionsSettings | Declares range permissions settings. |
IRichEditFontsSettings | Declares settings that allow you to provide information about fonts available in the control. |
IRichEditPdfSettings | Declares settings related to document export to PDF. |
IRichEditSearchSettings | Declares search settings. |
ISimpleViewSettings | Declares the Simple view mode’s settings. |
ISpellCheck | Declares spell checking settings. |
ITableBorders | Contains table borders. |
ITableCellBorders | Contains cell borders. |
IVerticalAbsolutePosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s vertical position. |
IVerticalAlignedPosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s vertical position. |
IVerticalRelativePosition | Declares settings that specify a floating object’s vertical position. |
IViewSettings | Declares the Rich Text Editor’s view settings. |
NusaCommand | Declares a Nuance SpeechKit command. |
NusaCommandSet | Declares settings of a command set for the Nuance SpeechKit. |
NusaCustomContainerType | A RichEdit container that declares methods to get and set a focused RichEdit control. |
NusaCustomControlType | Implements mandatory members that allow you to bind the RichEdit control to the Nuance SpeechKit. |
NusaPlaceholder | Declares settings of a placeholder in the Nuance SpeechKit. |
NusaRegisterOptions | Declares RichEdit options that can be registered in the Nuance Dragon SpeechKit. |
Options | Declares Rich Text Editor options. |
RibbonButtonItemOptions | Declares ribbon button item settings. |
RibbonColorBoxItemOptions | Declares ribbon color box item settings. |
RibbonItemTextOptions | Declares item text options. |
RibbonMenuItemOptions | Declares ribbon menu item settings. |
RibbonNumberBoxItemOptions | Declares ribbon number box item settings. |
RibbonSelectBoxItemOptions | Declares ribbon select box item settings. |
RibbonSubMenuItemOptions | Declares ribbon sub-menu item settings. |
TableCellPosition | Defines a cell position in a table. |
TableRowHeight | Contains height settings. |
TableWidth | Contains width settings. |
Name | Description |
BorderLineStyle | Lists border line styles. |
CharacterPropertiesScript | Lists values that specify character script formatting. |
ContextMenuCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Context Menu. |
DocumentFormat | Lists file document formats. |
DocumentLinkType | Lists the available link types. |
FieldName | Lists field names. |
FileTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the File tab. |
FileTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the File tab. |
FloatingObjectHorizontalAlignment | Lists values that specify the horizontal alignment for a floating object. |
FloatingObjectHorizontalAnchorElement | Lists values that specify an element to which the floating object is aligned. |
FloatingObjectHorizontalPositionType | Lists values that specify the type of a floating object’s position. |
FloatingObjectsFormatTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Format tab. |
FloatingObjectsFormatTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Floating Objects Format tab. |
FloatingObjectVerticalAlignment | Lists values that specify the vertical alignment for a floating object. |
FloatingObjectVerticalAnchorElement | Lists values that specify an element to which the floating object is aligned. |
FloatingObjectVerticalPositionType | Lists values that specify the type of a floating object’s position. |
HeaderAndFooterTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Header And Footer tab. |
HeaderAndFooterTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Header And Footer tab. |
HeaderFooterType | Lists the header/footer types. |
HomeTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Home tab. |
HomeTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Home tab. |
InsertTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Insert tab. |
InsertTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Insert tab. |
KeyCode | Lists key names and codes. |
ListLevelFormat | Lists values that specify the numbering format used for a group of automatically numbered objects, such as pages. |
ListLevelNumberAlignment | Lists values that specify the paragraph text alignment in numbered list levels. |
ListType | Lists possible types of a list. |
MailMergeTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Mail Merge tab. |
MailMergeTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Mail Merge tab. |
MergeMode | Lists delimiters that start the new merged range. |
PageLayoutTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Page Layout tab. |
PageLayoutTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Page Layout tab. |
PaperSize | Lists the standard paper sizes. |
ParagraphAlignment | Lists values that specify the paragraph alignment. |
ParagraphFirstLineIndent | Lists values that specify the indent for the first line in a paragraph. |
ParagraphLineSpacingType | Lists values specifying the type of paragraph line spacing. |
PrintMode | Lists RichEdit print modes. |
ReferencesTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the References tab. |
ReferencesTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the References tab. |
RibbonItemType | Lists ribbon item types. |
RibbonTabType | Lists ribbon tabs. |
RichEditUnit | Lists values that specify the dimension unit in Rich Text Editor dialogs. |
SectionBreakType | Lists the types of a section break. |
SubDocumentType | Lists values that specify the sub-document type. |
TableContentHorizontalAlignment | List the horizontal alignment options for table content. |
TableContentVerticalAlignment | List the vertical alignment options for table content. |
TableDesignTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Design tab. |
TableDesignTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Table Design tab. |
TableLayoutTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the Layout tab. |
TableLayoutTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the Table Layout tab. |
TableRowHeightType | Lists modes of row height calculation. |
TableWidthType | Lists values that specify how the component determines the table or cell width. |
ViewTabCommandId | Lists commands contained in the View tab. |
ViewTabItemId | Lists commands contained in the View tab. |
ViewType | Lists values that specify the Rich Edit’s document view type. |
WrapSide | Lists values that specify what side of a floating object the text is wrapped around. |
WrapType | Lists values that specify how text wraps around the floating object. |
Name | Description |
create(htmlElement, options) | Creates a Rich Text Editor object. |
createOptions | Creates an object that contains Rich Text Editor options with default values. |
Type Aliases
Name | Description |
CommandId | An alias type that refers to command ID enumeration types. |
FirstLevelRibbonItem | An alias type that refers to first-level ribbon item types. |
NusaCommandId | An alias type that refers to Nuance command identifiers. |
NusaRichEditPlaceholderId | An alias type that refers to Nuance placeholder identifiers. |
RibbonItem | An alias type that refers to ribbon item types. |
RibbonItemId | An alias type that refers to ribbon item ID enumeration types. |
RibbonItemParent | An alias type that refers to ribbon parent item types. |
RibbonTabId | An alias type that refers to ribbon tab types. |