Redistribution and Deployment
- 2 minutes to read
DevExpress ASP.NET Core controls are redistributable under the End User License Agreement (EULA) and can be distributed to your application users. You must have a valid license to legally distribute applications that use Developer Express components.
You can find the complete list of redistributable libraries and files for the specific ASP.NET Core controls you are using on the corresponding EULA page for your subscription:
- DevExtreme Controls – DevExtreme EULA
- Office-Inspired Controls – ASP.NET Controls EULA
- Reporting Controls – Reporting EULA
- Web Dashboard – Universal Subscription EULA (See the “6.6 Dashboard” section)
This section contains useful links on how to host and deploy your ASP.NET Core application.
For most DevExtreme-based controls, no extra assemblies or steps are required to deploy your ASP.NET Core app. Simply consult Microsoft deployment guides.
#Web BI Dashboards, Reporting, Office File API
The following help topics include additional information for your ASP.NET Core application deployments that use DevExpress Dashboard and DevExpress Reporting features:
- Web Dashboard - Redistributive Libraries
- Reporting - Redistributive Libraries | ASP.NET Core Deployment & Cloud Integration (with Azure, AWS)
- Office File API - ASP.NET Core Deployment & Cloud Integration (with Azure, AWS) | Dockerize an Office File API Application (unrelated to the Rich Text Editor and Spreadsheet UI components)
#See Also
Learn how to host and deploy in other DevExpress product lines: