ASPxResourceStorage Class
Represents a storage which holds appointment resources.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxScheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Scheduler
Related API Members
The following members return ASPxResourceStorage objects:
The ASPxResourceStorage class represents a storage which holds resources. The functionality of the ASPxResourceStorage class can be accessed via the ASPxSchedulerStorage.Resources property.
To associate a resource with an appointment this resource should be added to the ASPxResourceStorage object and then bound to the appointment via the Appointment.ResourceId property. It represents a resource ID specified by the IPersistentObject.Id property.
Use the ASPxResourceStorage.Mappings property to specify which fields in the bound data source hold a resource’s caption, color, image and ID. The values of these fields will be synchronized with the corresponding properties of Resource objects.
The appointments data source may contain a field which holds the resource ID’s of appointments. To enable automatic retrieval of the resource ID from the database, set the AppointmentMappingInfo.ResourceId property to the name of this field.