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Member Table: Data Editing

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Member Description
ASPxTreeList.KeyFieldName Specifies the name of the data source key field.
ASPxTreeList.ParentFieldName Specifies the data source field which contains parent node values.
ASPxTreeList.SettingsEditing Provides access to the ASPxTreeList’s editing settings.
TreeListDataColumn.EditFormSettings Gets the settings of the edit cell which is displayed within the Edit Form and corresponds to the current data column.
ASPxTreeList.StartEditNewNode Switches the ASPxTreeList to edit mode and allows new node values to be edited.
ASPxTreeList.StartEdit Switches the ASPxTreeList to edit mode.
ASPxTreeList.StartNodeEditing Enables you to prevent a node from being edited.
ASPxTreeList.InitNewNode Enables you to initialize added nodes.
ASPxTreeList.NodeInserting Enables you to cancel adding a new node.
ASPxTreeList.NodeInserted Occurs after a new node has been added to the ASPxTreeList.
ASPxTreeList.DeleteNode Deletes the specified node.
ASPxTreeList.NodeDeleting Enables you to prevent a node from being deleted.
ASPxTreeList.NodeDeleted Occurs after a node has been deleted.
ASPxTreeList.StartEdit Switches the ASPxTreeList to edit mode.
ASPxTreeList.UpdateEdit Saves all the changes made, and switches the ASPxTreeList to browse mode.
ASPxTreeList.CancelEdit Cancels all the changes made and switches the ASPxTreeList to browse mode.
ASPxTreeList.CellEditorInitialize Enables the cell editors displayed within the edit cells to be initialized.
ASPxTreeList.EditingNodeKey Gets the key value of the node currently being edited.
ASPxTreeList.IsEditing Indicates whether the ASPxTreeList is in edit mode.
ASPxTreeList.IsNewNodeEditing Indicates whether a new node is being edited.
TreeListNode.GetValue Returns the value of the specified cell within the current node.
ASPxTreeList.NodeUpdating Enables you to prevent a node from being updated.
ASPxTreeList.DoNodeValidation Validates the node currently being edited.
ASPxTreeList.NodeValidating Enables you to specify whether node data is valid, and whether the node can be updated.


Member Description
ASPxClientTreeList.StartEditNewNode Switches the ASPxTreeList to edit mode and allows new node values to be edited.
ASPxClientTreeList.DeleteNode Deletes the specified node.
ASPxClientTreeList.StartEdit Switches the ASPxTreeList to edit mode.
ASPxClientTreeList.UpdateEdit Saves all the changes made, and switches the ASPxTreeList to browse mode.
ASPxClientTreeList.CancelEdit Cancels all the changes made and switches the ASPxTreeList to browse mode.
ASPxClientTreeList.GetEditValue Returns the value of the specified edit cell.
ASPxClientTreeList.GetEditor Returns the editor used to edit the specified column’s values.
ASPxClientTreeList.SetEditValue Sets the value of the specified edit cell.
ASPxClientTreeList.GetNodeValues Obtains specified data source field values within a specified node, and submits them to the specified JavaScript function.
ASPxClientTreeList.IsEditing Indicates whether the ASPxTreeList is in edit mode.