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.NET 6.0+

RuleUniqueValueAttribute.FoundObjectMessageFormat Property

Gets or sets the format for specifying information on found objects with the specified property value in the validation error message.

Namespace: DevExpress.Persistent.Validation

Assembly: DevExpress.Persistent.Base.v24.1.dll


public string FoundObjectMessageFormat { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A sting value that can include one variable. This variable will be set to the key property value of the found object.


When a RuleUniqueValue rule is broken, a list of the found objects is written in the Validation Error window. You can format this list. To do this, use the RuleUniqueValue attribute’s FoundObjectMessageFormat parameter. The passed value will be set for the FoundObjectMessageFormat property of the Application Model’s Validation | Rules | Rule node. So, you can modify the value directly in the Model Editor.

By default, this property is set to “{0}”, which returns a list of found objects separated by the symbol that is specified by RuleUniqueValueAttribute.FoundObjectMessagesSeparator.

When using the RuleUniqueValueAttribute, the value for the FoundObjectMessageFormat property is passed as a named parameter. This means that you do not have to specify it. However, when specifying, use the following format: FoundObjectMessageFormat = “{0}” (FoundObjectMessageFormat := “{0}”, in Visual Basic).

If you set an empty string for FoundObjectMessageFormat, only text specified by MessageTemplateMustBeUnique will be displayed in the validation window. Neither the text specified by MessageTemplateFoundObjects nor a list of the found objects will be displayed.


The list of the found objects is written in the Validation Error window, if you do not specify CustomMessageTemplate in code or the Model Editor.

See Also