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ReportWizardCustomizationService.CustomizeReportTypeListAsync(ReportWizardTemplateCollection) Method

Allows you to register custom report templates on the start screen of the Report Wizard.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.Services

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v23.2.Web.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Reporting.Common


public virtual Task CustomizeReportTypeListAsync(
    ReportWizardTemplateCollection predefinedTypes


Name Type Description
predefinedTypes ReportWizardTemplateCollection

A collection of ReportWizardTemplate items that visualize a selection from the available report types in the wizard.


Type Description

A Task that completes when the method is finished.


The CustomizeReportTypeListAsync method is called in asynchronous mode.

For more information on asynchronous mode, review the following help topics:

ReportingConfigurationBuilder.UseAsyncEngine DefaultReportDesignerContainer.UseAsyncEngine

The following code snippet removes the Cross-Tab report from the wizard and adds three ReportWizardTemplate items to the collection. After the Wizard is finished, it adds a simple report header to the created report.

Note that you should handle the ID of the custom report template item in the TryCreateCustomReport method, so that the user can create custom reports from that template.

using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.DataContracts;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.Services;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.Wizards;
using ReportWizardCustomizationServiceMvcExample.PredefinedReports;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class InstantReportWizardCustomizationService : ReportWizardCustomizationService {
    public enum CustomReportType {

    public override XtraReport TryCreateCustomReport(XtraReportModel model, object dataSource, string dataMember, CustomWizardData customWizardData, XtraReport report) {
        if (Enum.TryParse(customWizardData.ReportTemplateID, out CustomReportType customReportType)) {
            if (customReportType == CustomReportType.InstantReport) {
                return new InstantReport() {
                    Name = customWizardData.ReportTemplateID,
                    DisplayName = customWizardData.ReportTemplateID
            else if (customReportType == CustomReportType.CustomLabelReport) {
                var labelReport = new LabelReport();
                return labelReport;
        return base.TryCreateCustomReport(model, dataSource, dataMember, customWizardData, report);
    public override Task<XtraReport> TryCreateCustomReportAsync(XtraReportModel model, object dataSource, string dataMember, CustomWizardData customWizardData, XtraReport report) {
        return Task.FromResult(TryCreateCustomReport(model, dataSource, dataMember, customWizardData, report));
    public override void CustomizeReportTypeList(ReportWizardTemplateCollection predefinedTypes) {
        predefinedTypes.Remove(predefinedTypes.Where(x => x.ID == nameof(ReportType.CrossTab)).First());
        predefinedTypes.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.DataContracts.ReportWizardTemplate() {
            CanInstantlyFinish = true,
            ID = nameof(CustomReportType.InstantReport),
            Text = "Instant Report",
            ImageTemplateName = "instant-report"
        predefinedTypes.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.DataContracts.ReportWizardTemplate() {
            CanInstantlyFinish = true,
            ID = nameof(CustomReportType.InstantReport),
            Text = "Instant Report",
            ImageClassName = "instant-report-image"
        predefinedTypes.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner.DataContracts.ReportWizardTemplate() {
            ID = nameof(CustomReportType.CustomLabelReport),
            Text = "Custom Label Report",
            ImageTemplateName = "dxrd-svg-wizard-LabelReport"

    public override Task CustomizeReportTypeListAsync(ReportWizardTemplateCollection predefinedTypes) {
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public override void CustomizeReportOnFinish(XtraReport report) {
        if (report.Bands.GetBandByType(typeof(ReportHeaderBand)) == null)
            report.Bands.Add(new ReportHeaderBand() {
                Controls = {
                    new XRLabel() {
                        Text = string.Format("Instant Report {0:MMM dd}", System.DateTime.Today),
                        SizeF= new System.Drawing.SizeF(650F, 100F),
                        Font = new DevExpress.Drawing.DXFont("Arial", 24)

    } }
            }); ; ;

    public override Task CustomizeReportOnFinishAsync(XtraReport report) {
        return Task.CompletedTask;

The result is shown in the image below:

CustomizeReportTypeList Sample Result

The ReportWizardTemplate.CanInstantlyFinish property allows you to manage wizard behavior once a user selects a custom template. The Web Report Designer opens this report, bypassing all wizard pages when this property is enabled. Otherwise, a user is guided through Report Wizard pages to set up a report’s data source.

See Also